標題: 專利地圖與TRIZ輔助產品創新-以人孔技術為例
Product Innovation Based on Patent Map and TRIZ -Using Manhole Technologies as an Example
作者: 周鉦倫
Zheng-Lun Zhou
Ren-Jye Dzeng
關鍵字: 專利分析;專利地圖;人孔工程;創新;矛盾表;TRIZ;Patent Analysis;Patent Map;Manhold;Innovation;contradiction table;TRIZ
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 論文摘要 在如今強調知識管理與知識經濟之時代,知識的獲得和應用,需要智慧;而知識作用的發揮,更需要創新。如何促使知識不斷的被應用、創新就成了最艱鉅、最重要的任務。 有鑑於此,本研究將這樣創新的思維拉進台灣的營建產業,在這個營建的領域裡充滿無數的寶貴工程經驗,許多屋舍大廈、橋提、河壩,創造了一個安定舒適的社會環境,人開始尋求更高的生活品質,反觀營建產業每年投入研發的比例不高,品質的提升緩慢,工程大多倚賴著過去的經驗辦事。如果能夠有系統的進行創新研發,對於過去研發經驗的累積做統整,並對未來研發方向做多元的思考,最後針對市場需求做評估,最後投入研發創新。 本論文以現行國內道路人孔工程專利進行深入解析,首先將幾個重要之專利以特有之技術關鍵字及搜尋策略進行搜尋,利用專利分析(patent analysis)與專利地圖挖洞技術,剖析目前產業現況與產業研發的分布情形,藉此獲得未來研發的決策與預測其市場狀況。之後利用發明性問題解決理論(俄文Teoriya Reshniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch的縮寫TRIZ),針對產業研發的空缺和研發的重點做研擬,找出急迫需要改善的參數(improve parameter)和避免惡化的參數,對照矛盾表(contradiction table)與40發明原則(40 inventive principles)找出所提供的建議進行研發工作。
ABSTRACT In the age of knowledge economy, one requires wisdom about gaining and using knowledge. Furthermore, since one needs more great originality to develop the knowledge, the most critical task is how to reuse and create sciences. In the domain of the construction management, there are many valuable experiences about engineering. In the stable and comfortable society, people start to chase for the higher quality of life. However, the industries of building invested fewer effort to research and develop every year. Thus, the projects mostly rely on the experiences in the past. One can consider future works in many different aspects with systematic innovation. Finally, one can develop the new techniques to satisfy the market demand. In this thesis, we analyzed the manhole patents. At first, we search several important patents with the key words and tactics of searching. We obtain the decision of research its market situation by patent analysis and mining technology with the patent map. After that, we focus on the lack of industrial development and the key points of research by utilizing Teoriya Reshniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch (TRIZ, in Russian). Thus, the improve parameters are searched out. Finally, one can perform the research according to contradiction table and 40 inventive principles.


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