標題: 智慧型手機消費者行為及市場區隔之研究—以大台北地區有購買意願之消費者為例
A Study on the Consumer Behavior and Market Segmentation of Smart Phone Consumers—An Example of Consumers of Willingness to Buy Smart Phone in Taipei District
作者: 張尹齊
Yin-Chi Chang
Quang-Hua Chen
Bi-Huei Tsai
關鍵字: 智慧型手機;消費者行為;市場區隔;生活型態;Smart Phone;consumer behavior;market segmentation;lifestyle
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 在全球電信自由化潮流的帶動下,行動電話的用戶數在過去十幾年呈現高度成長,使手機成為科技產業中市場規模最大的消費電子產品。在激烈的市場競爭之下,各家業者為了在眾多品牌和競爭者中脫穎而出,紛紛強力訴求手機產品差異化,其中整合資訊處理功能的智慧型手機即成為最被看好的明日之星。 本研究主要目的是為探討智慧型手機消費者之消費者行為及對其進行分群,針對各集群中之消費者的特徵與消費行為加以描述與分析,希望有助於業者制定其行銷策略。 本研究採用問卷調查法來收集資料,以Howard-Sheth模式作為本研究之架構,以AIO生活型態變數作為市場區隔的基礎,並描述其人口統計變數之特徵,透過智慧型手機之產品屬性、品牌認知及消費實態等變數,作為消費行為之描述。採用因素分析、集群分析、變異數分析、雪費檢定、卡方檢定等統計方法,對資料進行分析。 研究結果顯示,有購買意願之智慧型手機消費者可透過生活型態作為有效市場區隔的變數。各區隔市場之消費者,在人口統計變數、資訊來源、購買動機、產品屬性選擇準則、品牌認知及消費實態變數上皆有顯著差異。最後,根據研究結果,針對三個區隔市場分別提出行銷策略建議。
Under the global trend of liberalization of telecommunication, the cell-phone market grows up greatly in last ten years and has become the largest consuming electronic market in high tech industry. Under intense market competition, numerous firms demand product differentiation in order to win the competition, among which Smart Phone that integrates the function of information processing has become the star of the tomorrow. The study investigates the Consumer behavior of the Smart Phone and divides the whole Smart Phone market properly into several segments. The characteristics and behaviors of the consumers in each segment are then analyzed and described that it may help companies form their marketing strategy. The research uses questionnaire to collect data. The Howard-Sheth model is used as a conceptual framework, and the AIO lifestyle variables are used as a basis for market segmentation. Demographic factors, product properties, brand recognition, and consumption reality variables are used to describe the characteristics and behavior of consumers. All data analyzed with following methods: Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, ANOVA Analysis, Scheffe’s Test, and Chi-square Test. The results show: consumers of willingness to buy Smart Phone could be effectively segregated by lifestyle variables. Among the three segments, demographic variables, sources of information, purchase motive variable, product properties, brand recognition and consumption reality variables are significant predictions of product choice. Finally, based on the present investigation, marketing strategy is proposed for the three segmented market.
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