DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLu, Erh-Sangen_US
dc.contributor.authorShih, Tian-Yuanen_US
dc.description.abstract二十一世紀將是一個「知識經濟」(knowledge economics)的時代,也就是將其運作模式直接建立在「知識」與「資訊」的激發、擴散和應用之上的經濟。這使得「知識」已成為新的財富的來源,創造知識和應用知識的能力與效率將凌駕於土地、資金等傳統生產要素之上,成為支持經濟不斷發展的動力。行政院也早於2001年宣告我國已進入知識經濟時代。 近年來由於科技日新月異,新興的測量技術包含全球衛星定位系統(GPS)、全球導航系統(GNSS)、地理資訊系統(GIS)及遙感探測(RS)三個部分,這些技術原本主要是應用在軍事或特定專業領域,自從網際網路快速普及後,所謂的「3S(GPS、GIS、RS)」技術也從專業領域應用走向普羅大眾。由於各類空間資料,透過網際網路整合其他屬性資料,使得地理資訊系統之應用,特別是在國土規劃、利用、保育、管理、防災等方面快速擴展,也使得地理資訊系統逐漸成為知識經濟產業發展的新動力。 自1990年代推動國土資訊系統(NGIS, National Geographic Information System)以來,建立地理資料庫及促進資料流通供應即成為政府一項基礎工作。這些地理資料的收集、維護、提供及應用等相關工作,實際上是一種資料流通的活動。隨著網際網路的突飛猛進及市場交易行為的日益增多,這些供應及流通也自然形成一連串上、中、下游的經濟活動,這個市場也將變成政府、商業供給者、中間加值商、及使用者間共同參與的一個網路型(network)市場。地理資料流通可說是推展國土資訊系統普及應用成敗的關鍵因素,中央政府應主導建立地理資料之價值鍊及供應鍊,並應將地理資料之整個運作視為一種引導國家資源流動的經濟活動。 國土資訊發展近三十餘年來,在流通供應方面仍侷限於政府機關之間,對於民間企業加值應用、創造商機則仍嫌不足。而不幸遇到2009年8月8日莫拉克颱風,中南部超級大豪雨,無論是山區土石流、平地淹水、或橋樑沖斷,在災情如此慘重之下,無論事前之預警或事發後之救援,中央及地方各級防救災資訊系統似乎都未發揮功能,顯見上次921轉機失敗,危機仍在,GIS的決策支援還是在紙上談兵,難以落實。 美國法律學者Lawrence Lessig於2001年提出「保留部分權利」(Some Rights Reserved)的相對思考與作法。創作者可以挑選最合適的授權條款,透過自願分享的方式嘉惠眾多的使用者,同時協力建立更豐富的公共資源庫。在追求市場最大經濟利益的永恆不變的原則之下,採用授權方式相對於資料產品全部出售的方式而言不失為另一種選擇。 本研究主要目的是希望從公共管理,經濟理論及公共政策角度,並透過法律、經濟、公共利益及授權策略等四個面向的分析,期能建構一個妥適的授權決策運作機制與平台,以解決下列六大問題: 1. 資料生產維護方面:政府財政困難,預算不足,九大資料庫之發展亦欠均衡,無法集中力量快速完成核心資料之建置。 2. 流通供應收費方面:政府部門普遍缺乏授權觀念,散布限制多,自動化不足,加上規費法限制,造成流通供應消極。 3. 普及應用方面:大量整合性之地理資料分散於許多單位,品質不一,取得更新整合不易,雖有GIS工具唯仍難以發揮。 4. 法規制度建立方面:各政府機關對著作權、隱私權與公共利益在法制規範上內容仍顯不足,亦欠缺授權平衡觀念。 5. 產業競爭力方面:長期以來,缺乏政府政策支援,甚少投入技術研發,業界各自獨立,難以競爭。 6. 國土資訊整體發展方面:由部會負責推動,層級嫌低,跨機關整合協調不易,且難以落實執行。 本研究範圍第一係以空間資料與服務相關授權為焦點,包含資料生產供應之授權外,政府公權力行使之委外授權及GIS軟體技術之專利授權;第二以政策性的議題為主,包括存取權力(Access Rights)、隱私權(Privacy)、智慧財產權(Intellectual Property Rights)、品質責任(Liability)、收費價格(cost & price)等各項,同時其衍生之成果如經由電腦處理後之相關「資訊產品」或「資訊服務」都應納入政策考量。故在分別針對法律、經濟及公共利益分析之前,也特別就空間資訊產業之發展及價值鏈略作探討,以了解整個大環境趨勢。第三則以土地測量相關空間資訊為例,因國土資訊九大資料內容龐雜,土地測量資訊建置較早較為完整。 本研究方法在理論基礎文獻回顧方面,廣泛蒐集相關圖書及網站蒐尋,同時進行相關基礎理論上之探討,包括授權、公共管理、經濟及公共政策等四個理論基礎;在現況檢討方面,首先除針對國土資訊系統推動現況,有關生產維護、供應、普及應用及法制等方面作深入觀察與探討外,並就就美國之相關案例及經驗作探討,以及我國電子化政府整體資訊之發展對國土資訊系統之推動影響一併納入檢討分析;其次除針對我國空間資訊產業發展現況,有關價值鏈與市場架構作深入觀察與探討外,並就空間資訊軟體相關專利問題略作探討;在質性內容分析方面,分別以法律、經濟、公共利益及授權決策等四個面向針對空間資料與服務授權作較深入的探討與分析;最終期能達成突破國土資料生產維護供應之瓶頸,以達「貨」暢其流;鼓勵加值利用,促進產業發展;持續落實推廣GIS應用,提升決策品質等目標,建構一個可行的授權運作機制,並提出結論建議供各界參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe twenty-first century will be a "knowledge economy" era, that is, its operation will be directly based on the excitation, diffusion and application of "knowledge" and "information" on the economy. This makes the "knowledge" a new source of wealth. The ability and efficiency of Knowledge creation and application will prevail the traditional resources of fortune, such as land and capital. Knowledge becomes the support for the continuing economic development. The Executive Yuan announced that our country has entered the era of knowledge economy in early 2001. In recent years, there are rapid advancements in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Geographic information System(GIS), and Remote Sensing(RS). These technologies are mainly used in the military or in a particular area of expertise originally. Due to the widespread Internet, the so-called "3S (GPS, GIS, RS)" technology have found applications from a small group of expertise towards the general public. Different types of spatial data can be integrated with other data through Internet, this expands the geographic information system applications rapidly, especially in land-use planning, resources conservation, management, disaster prevention. This also makes geographic information systems a knowledge-based economy, the new impetus for industrial development. The National Geographic Information System program started since early 1990s. Through this program, the establishment of a nation-wide geographic database and the promotion of information circulation become a primary task of government. The geographic data collection, maintenance, provision and application is actually an information circulation activity. With the rapid progress of the Internet and the growing frequency of market transactions, the supply and circulation of spatial information formed naturally a series of upper, middle and downstream of economic activities. This established an inter-network-based market composed of the government, business suppliers, the middle value-added providers, and the end users. The circulation of geographic information can be a key factor to the success of the promotion of the National Geographic Information System. The central government should lead the establishment of the value chain and supply chain of geographic information, and take the entire operation of the geographical information as an economic activity which guides the national resource flow. During the past 30 years of development of the national geographic information, on the circulation supply side, it is still limited among government agencies. The private enterprises for value-added applications, and create business opportunities with others are still inadequate. With Morakot typhoon occurred on August 8, 2009, heavy rains in central and southern area caused landslides, flood, and the bridge thrust. In such a devastating disaster, the early warning and the rescue after the incidence indicated that the disaster prevention information system of central and local government agencies established after the 921 earthquake is inadequate. The crisis still exists. GIS decision support system is still on paperwork and difficult to be implemented. The United States well-known legal scholar Lawrence Lessig brought up the concept of "Some Rights Reserved" in 2001. The owner of information can select the most appropriate licensing terms. This provides an alternative to the voluntary sharing. And, it also provides an opportunity for working together to build a more extensive library of public resources. The main purpose of this study is to review the government role based on the concept of public administration, economic theory and public policy. Analysis is also made from four aspects: legal, economic, public benefits and licensing strategy, to build a properly functioning appropriate authorization decision-making mechanism and platform. The following six issues are addressed: 1. Productive Data Maintenance: When the government faces financial difficulties, the insufficient budget prevented the progresss of the nine databases in a coordinated manner. 2. Circulation of the supply charges: The government departments generally lack of the concept of authorization. Functionally, the automation of information distribution is limited due to a number of restrictions. The related Charges and Fees Act provides further problem of the information supply. 3. Support popular applications: The ownership and maintenance responsibility of geographical information spread over a number of government units. The quality varies. Keeping information updated is also a problem. This cannot be resolved with advanced GIS tools alone. 4. Establishing Regulatory system: The normative content of the legal system for the copyright, privacy act and public interest with various government agencies remain inadequate. The lack of the authority balance concept imposes further problem. 5. Industrial competitiveness: Due to lack of proper government policy support, the geospatial industry worked independently without coordination. This makes the national competition capability low. 6. The overall development of Geographic Information: The current coordination is established between ministries with the leadership of MOI. Administratively, the level is too low for proper execution. Cross-agency coordination is difficult. The scope of this study is to focus first on the licensing of the spatial data and services, including the outsourcing authority of government , and GIS software technology patent licensing. Secondly, the issues of policy, including Access Rights, Privacy, Intellectual Property Rights, the quality of responsibility (Liability), the fee schedule (cost & price). The original geospatial information and the derived products, such as the "information products" and "information services", are all included. Before the analysis with the legal, economic and public-benefit view points, the development of spatial information industry and the value chain shall be briefly explored. Thirdly, Land Surveying related spatial information will be used as an example. Comparing with the the other database of the nine major databases, the Land Surveying database is relatively built earlier and having better integrity. In this study, the concepts of the authorization, public administration, economy and public policy are adopted for analysis. Intensive investigation on the status of National Geographic Information System, in terms of the production, maintenance, supply, application, and the regulation, rules, and law are performed. Relevant cases of the United States are also studied. The impact of the national e-government program on the Land Information System is studied. The status of the spatial IT industry development, in terms of the value chain and market structure is reviewed. Software-related patent issues, including the characteristic content analysis, legal, economic, public interest and authorization decision-making related to spatial information are all addressed. The ultimate goal is to breakthrough the bottlenecks in the production, maintenance and the supply of land information. Providing a smooth flow to encourage the use of value-added industrial development and the implementation of new GIS applications.en_US
dc.subjectNational Geographic Information Systemen_US
dc.titleLicensing Spatial Data and Services of National Geographic Information Systemen_US


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