標題: 網路服務與射頻辨識導向的花卉追溯系統設計與實作
Design and Implementation of a Web Service and RFID Based Flower Traceability System
作者: 林新凱
Shin-Kai Lin
Gau-Rong Liang
關鍵字: 網路服務;花卉追溯系統;網路服務描述語言;Web Services;Flower Traceability;Web Service Definition Language
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究提出一套以網路服務為架構的模型來建構花卉追溯系統。在此架構之下,可以透過服務仲介者、服務提供者與服務需求者來追溯花卉商品的相關資訊。在此,服務的提供者為花卉供應鏈中的生產者、生產合作社、批發市場、承銷人或是零售商,而服務的需求者則是對於所有能夠追溯到的花卉資訊有興趣的需求者。服務仲介者是一個公開的網際網路導向系統,因此所有的服務提供者可以透過網路服務描述語言註冊它們的服務在仲介端之上,藉由這個方式來發佈它們的服務,而網路服務的內容為取得該服務提供者的花卉資訊。在這樣的環境下,任何的服務需求者能夠向服務仲介者查詢它們所需的服務,服務仲介者則回傳該服務的提供者資料,透過與服務提供者的溝通則可取得所需的花卉資訊。因此,本研究的成果在於設計與實作一套花卉資訊追溯系統的雛型。
A web services framework has been proposed for constructing a flower traceability system. In this framework, flowers are traced among a service broker, service providers, and service requesters. Here a service provider may be a grower, a producers’ cooperative, a wholesale market, a consignee, or a retailer in flower supply chains, and a service requester is anyone who is interested in tracing flowers. A service broker is an Internet-based computer so that all service providers can submit their own services based on Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) for tracing flowers. In operations, any service requester can ask a service from the service broker. Then the service broker is going to reply a list of service providers to the service requester who therefore retrieves the requested service from each service provider. As a research result, a prototype traceability system for flowers has been designed and implemented.


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