標題: 設計台灣大型蔬果冷藏庫網路型庫存管理系統
Designing a Network-based Inventory Management System of Large-Scale Freezers for Vegetables and Fruits in Taiwan
作者: 劉彥志
Yen-Chih Liu
Gau-Rong Liang
關鍵字: 以網路為基礎的;庫存管理系統;大型蔬果冷藏庫;Network-based;Inventory management system;Large-scale freezers for vegetables and fruits
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究的目的主要在設計一套台灣大型蔬果冷藏庫網路型庫存管理系統。目前在台灣有許多重要的大型蔬果冷藏庫分佈在台灣各地。這些冷藏庫面臨了兩項主要的挑戰。一是冷藏庫業者在財務上可能無法建構及維護一套屬於自己的冷藏庫管理資訊系統。另一項挑戰是如何計算全台灣蔬果冷藏庫的庫存量。這些問題隨著每年夏季颱風接近台灣時會更顯得重要,此時需要透過這些蔬果的估計總量來決定是否需要另外輸入額外的數量來穩定市場價格。為了解決這兩個問題,本研究建立了一套網路型的共享式庫存管理系統。微觀來說,業者可以透過網路來操作這套網路型的庫存管理系統;宏觀來說,庫存的資料可以透過系統自動加總。這套網路型的系統設計不只解決了上述的軟體發展建構問題,同時也解決了上述統計上的問題。
A network-based inventory management system of large-scale freezers for vegetables and fruits in Taiwan is designed. Currently, many important large-scale freezers for vegetables and fruits are located at different sites in Taiwan. Also those freezers face two main challenges in this situation. One is the owner of a freezer may be financially incapable to develop and maintain his own information system for managing his local freezer. The other is how to estimate the total stored volume of all freezers from an island-wide thinking. Especially the challenge is more significant during the summer whenever a typhoon is approaching Taiwan, and it is necessary to use the estimated volumes of vegetables and fruits to decide what additional volumes have to been imported. Considering both challenges, a shared inventory management system is constructed on the Internet. From the local viewpoint, the network-based inventory management system can be operated through the Internet for managing any single freezer by its owner. From the global viewpoint, the inventory data are automatically summarized during their operations. This network-based design solves not only the common software development problem but also the statistic problem.
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