標題: 建置高雄花卉批發市場資料倉儲與大型冷藏庫庫存管理系統
Establishing Data Warehouse for Kaohsiung Flower Wholesale Market and Inventory Management System for Large-Scale Freezers
作者: 梁高榮
Gau Rong Liang
公開日期: 2006
摘要:   本計畫的兩個主要目的為建置高雄花卉批發市場的資料倉儲與大型冷藏庫的庫存管理系統。對建置資料倉儲而言,首先是建立它的資料超市及其存取控制系統。這裡資料超市的規格必須與其他四個已建立的花卉資料超市相匹配。又存取控制系統必須具有使用者認証與授權能力。其次是將此資料超市與台灣區花卉資料倉儲連線使得使用者可以監督五個資料超市的互動情況。對建置庫存管理系統而言,這是實作一個電腦伺服系統以監督兩個遠端大型冷藏庫的狀態。另外使用者可以從當地端存取他們的庫存資料。庫存管理系統的統計資料可幫助調節位於不同地方的庫存農產品。
  Two major goals in this project are to establish a data warehouse for Kaohisung flower wholesale market and an inventory management system for large scale freezers. For establishing the data warehouse, the first step is to build its data mart with an access control system. The specification of the data mart is compatible with four other established flower data marts. Also the access control system is capable of doing user authentication and authorization tasks. The second step is to connect this data mart to the well-known Taiwan flower data warehouse so that users can monitor the interactions of five data marts. For establishing the inventory management system, a computer server system will be implemented for monitoring the status of two remote large-scale freezers. Also users can access their inventory data from local terminals. The statistics of the inventory management system will help to coordinate the inventoried agricultural products at different sites.
官方說明文件#: 95農科-8.2.1-糧-Z1(4)
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/89838


  1. RRPG95073457.pdf

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