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dc.description.abstract生產與運籌管理遊戲平台(Simulation of production and logistics environment, 以下簡稱SIMPLE 1.0)於2006年由張永佳所發展出來,其主要目的在於提供工業工程相關領域的教師一個教學輔助的工具,透過遊戲的參數設定可以適用於不同的教學課程。不過SIMPLE 1.0目前為僅限於單人使用,玩家無法進行多人連線遊戲,且由於遊戲設定與遊戲執行皆在同一個介面上,因此教師所能掌控遊戲與參與者的部份略嫌不足;因此為了使SIMPLE 1.0更具備彈性,更方便教師與遊戲參與者使用,本研究將擴充及改善SIMPLE 1.0,並稱改善後的系統為SIMPLE 2.0。 本研究以軟體生命週期模型中的漸增模型作為軟體的開發模型,除了可以讓不同遊戲參與者透過網路在同一場遊戲中進行遊戲之外,並分隔出各種使用者型態並賦予不同權限,以方便遊戲的監控及管理。此外,本研究利用軟體架構中的主從式模型來建構遊戲系統及網路,讓遊戲參與者可以透過網路連接至遊戲伺服器進行遊戲;而資料庫部份則是利用關聯式資料模型來建構。 在實作方面本研究的遊戲系統是利用JAVA物件導向的功能來建構,而系統管理頁面則是利用JSP網頁開發技術撰寫,系統資料庫實作則是透過HSQL建構。 關鍵字:教學輔助工具,漸增模型,主從式模型,關聯式資料模型。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSimulation of production and logistics environment (referred as SIMPLE 1.0 hereafter) was developed by Chang (2006) as a teaching aid applicable in courses related to Industrial Engineering and Management in order to increase teaching effectiveness. SIMPLE 1.0 is designed for single-user application thus is lack of the ability of multiple-user interaction. In order to extend SIMPLE 1.0 to make it more flexible and convenient for users, we constructed an improved version of SIMPLE (referred as SIMPLE 2.0 hereafter) in this research. We chose the incremental model among the software development life cycle models to construct SIMPLE 2.0. The system is designed such that the number of players allowed in one game and the game settings are fully controllable by the game administrator via game management pages separated from game-running environment. Through the implementation of a server-client model, multiple players are able to access SIMPLE 2.0 through internet connection and play interactively with one another. We also designed a relational database system to store game results and user information so that system administers are able to retrieve data from the database for further analysis. The main program is written by Java, the game management pages are implemented by JavaServer Page (JSP) technique, and the database is implemented by HSQL. Key words: Teaching aid, incremental model, server-client model, relational database.en_US
dc.subjectTeaching aiden_US
dc.subjectincremental modelen_US
dc.subjectserver-client modelen_US
dc.subjectrelational databaseen_US
dc.titleThe Construction of a Multi-user Web-based Game for Production and Logistics Managementen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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