標題: 台灣發光二極體廠商之策略規劃 以晶元光電為例
Strategy Planning of Taiwan Light Emitting Diode Company A Case Study of Epistar Corporation
作者: 陳逸晴
I-Ching Chen
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 發光二極體;產業分析;孫子兵法;策略規劃;Light Emitting Diode (LED);Industry Analysis;Sun-Wu Art of War;Strategic Planning
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究以孫子兵法為主要研究架構,分析孫子兵法的思維邏輯並將其運用至企業策略,並協助個案公司進行策略規劃。由於近幾年發光二極體市場的蓬勃發展,世界各國對於發光二極體未來成長潛力皆寄予厚望,並積極大規模投入。未來白光照明的需求也使發光二極體的成為近年來當紅之產業。因此本研究以台灣發光二極體廠商晶元光電為案例,透過孫子兵法全程戰略分析模型衡量台灣產業在全球競爭情勢下的定位,為晶元光電找出未來的出路,並藉由此結果,作為未來晶元光電在制定策略之參考依據。在研究方法方面,本研究採用文獻分析、個案研究與孫子兵法。 研究結果發現,台灣發光二極體上、中游重要專利依然由國外廠商把持,上游原料也仰賴進口,自行研發能力不足,因此在普通亮度發光二極體方面,短期內無法脫離價格競爭的局面,對晶元光電而言短期內競爭情勢不利。但以晶元光電目前的產能優勢與完整的產品線,加以未來高亮度白光照明的發展機會,在長期佈局上有競爭優勢。晶元光電若能加碼招攬人才並投入研發與專利佈局,未來有機會能成為發光二極體產業的領導廠商。
The Light Emitting Diode can generate red, green and blue lights. This gives it great potential of replacing existing light bulbs to become the most energy-efficient white light source. Given that the cost of energy is continual increasing, LED companies world-wide are racing in R&D to pursue such enormous market. This thesis used the high-level planning model of the Sun-Wu War Strategy to assess the competitive situation that Taiwan’s LED industry is facing, including its technologies, capitals, marketing channels, industry structures, market opportunities and competitive threats. Analysis showed that Taiwan’s LED industry is lacking fundamental LED technology; therefore large amount of royalty has to be paid to LED pioneers. The capital investment of Taiwanese LED companies focused on manufacturing capacity of low-end LEDs which does not have differentiation against other suppliers. After understanding the general environment, this thesis focused on Epistar Corporation and recommended an action plan.


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