標題: 捷運運量路網效應之研究
A Study on the Ridership Effect for MRT Network
作者: 邱薰論
Hsun-Lun Chiou
Tai-Sheng Huang
關鍵字: 台北捷運;運量路網效應;運量與路網關係;Taipei MRT;Ridership Effect for MRT Network;Relationship between ridership and network
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 隨著台北捷運系統路網規模逐漸擴大,台北捷運運量逐年增加,但若將其標準化,以單位路網長度之運量來看,就不一定會隨著路網規模擴大而增加,因此本研究探討台北捷運運量路網效應。本研究先收集台北捷運公司民國85年3月至民國95年12月之月運量與民國87年12月至95年12月之各車站起迄旅次分佈資料,利用t檢定分析台北捷運路網擴充不同階段之效應,並建立台北捷運運量路網效應之迴歸關係。
With the expansion the Taipei MRT network, the ridership also increases annually. However, after the standardization process, the unit length ridership may not increase with network. Therefore, in order to analyze the effect for MRT network, the this research collected the overall ridership data from 1996.3~2006.12 and OD ridership data of each station from 1998.12~2006.12. T-test was used to analyze the effect between different expansion period, regression models were also built to construct the ridership effect for Taipei MRT network.
The results indicate that the unit length ridership of Danshui, Zhonghe Line increase while the expansion period from Danshui station through Zhongshan station, Taipei Station and Nanshijiao station. Furthermore, the unit length ridership of Muzha Line also increase with respect to the expansion process of Danshui, Zhonghe Line. The MRT network had not been formed until the construction of Bannan Line from Longshan Temple Station to Taipei City Hall Station. The connection of two parallel lines allows passenger to transfer between different lines, at the mean time, the unit length ridership increased comparing to the duration before the forming of MRT network. In addition, the analysis showed that the overall unit length ridership did not increase while Longshan Temple Station to Xinpu Station of BanNan Line, Ximen station to C.K.S. Memorial Hall station of Xiaonanmen Line, Taipei City Hall Station to Kunyang station of BanNan Line, Xiaobitan branch Line, Xinpu Station to Fuzhong station of BanNan Line and Fuzhong station to Yongning station of Bannan Line started commercial service. The results indicated that the expansion of network in suburban area did not have significant effect to the whole network. Moreover, this research also shows that unit length ridership tended to decrease after the network expand to 74.4 km.
Lastly, this research applied regression analysis to build the relation of MRT annual ridership and unit network length. The result showed that the model of cubic curve best fit to the actual unit network length of MRT.


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