Title: 多層級治理與歐盟高等教育整合
Multi-level governance and higher education integration in European Union
Authors: 林宗達
Zong-Da Lin
Hsiou-Hsia Tai
Keywords: 歐盟;高等教育;多層級治理;EU;higher education;multi-level governance
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本研究旨在探討多層級治理體系下,歐盟高等教育整合的運作與影響。本文主要以多層級治理為理論架構,對歐盟高等教育整合的過程和現況進行分析,並進一步探究歐盟高等教育整合對英國、法國和德國高等教育的影響,以檢視多層級治理在歐盟高等教育整合過程中產生的各種效應。因此,本文之研究目的為: 一、探討多層級治理對歐盟高等教育整合之影響。 二、探究多層級治理體系下,歐盟高等教育整合之運作現況。 三、分析英國、法國和德國高等教育對歐盟高等教育整合之回應情形。 四、透過歐盟高等教育整合之研究,對我國未來高等教育相關政策之制定提供參考與建議。   為達成上述之研究目的,本文在第二章先探討多層級治理的起源、論點和互動模式。其次,在第三章概述歐盟整合與高等教育發展,分別回顧歐盟整合的背景與發展,以及歐盟高等教育的發展與現況。在第四章中,進一步探究分析多層級治理對歐盟高等教育整合的影響,以了解歐盟高等教育整合在多層級治理體系下的實行狀況。在第五章中,則分析英國、法國和德國回應歐盟高等教育進行的高等教育變革,以及改革過程中面臨的問題。最後,在第六章中,本文根據前述研究發現,提出以下四項結論: 一、歐盟高等教育整合在歐盟多層級治理體系下呈現各層級權力共享與相互交織的緊密關係。 二、歐盟在歐盟高等教育整合過程中具有相對優勢,但歐盟價值絕非唯一選擇與標準。 三、英法德三國基本上遵循歐盟高等教育整合政策方向進行高等教育相關制度的變革與建置。 四、英法德三國回應歐盟高等教育整合過程中,產生權力下放與權力衝突之情形。
The research aims to investigate the higher education integration of the European Union (EU) in a multi-level governance system. With the framework, multi-level governance model, the study analyzed both process and situation of higher education integration of the EU. Moreover, the research investigated the reforms of higher education in United Kingdom, France, and Germany responding to the higher education integration of the EU. The purposes of this study are: 1.To discuss the influences multi-level governance model had on the higher education integration of the EU. 2.To explore the situation of the higher education integration of the EU in a multi-level governance system. 3.To analyze the reforms of higher education in United Kingdom, France, and Germany responding to the higher education integration of the EU. 4.To make suggestions to the policies of Taiwanese higher education. Therefore, in chapter two, the researcher discussed the beginning, arguments, and interactions of multi-level governance theory. Furthermore, an overview and brief history of European integration and European higher education were reviewed in chapter three. The researcher explored the influences multi-level governance model had on the higher education integration of the EU, so as to the higher education integration of the EU in multi-level governance system in chapter four. In addition, the research showed the analyses of the reforms of higher education in United Kingdom, France, and Germany responding to the higher education integration of the EU and discussed the problems three countries faced in the process of reforms. Finally, four conclusions of the study were proposed in chapter six. They are: 1.In a multi-level governance system, supranational, national, subnational, and transnational level not only share authority for making higher education policies in the process of the higher education integration of the EU, but construct the networks of interknit relationships. 2.European Union occupies the dominant place in the process of the higher education integration of the EU. However, EU higher education policies are not absolute standard. 3.The reforms of higher education in United Kingdom, France, and Germany approximately follow the direction of policies about higher education integration. 4.All United Kingdom, France, and Germany emerge devolutions and conflicts in responding the higher education integration of the EU.
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