標題: 大學生知覺父母衝突之程度、情緒安全感受與親職化的相關研究
The Correlative Study of Marital Conflict, Emotional Security, and Parentification for College Students
作者: 謝喆瑋
Shie, Jhe-Wei
Fang, Tzu-Wei
關鍵字: 父母衝突;情緒安全感受;親職化;marital conflict;emotional security;parentification
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究之目的在探討大學生知覺的父母衝突之程度、面對父母衝突時的情緒安全感受、與其親職化三者之關聯,以及父母衝突程度與情緒安全感受對親職化的預測,最後則是了解情緒安全感受在父母衝突程度與親職化間的中介效果。本研究以「子女知覺父母衝突量表」、「情緒安全感受量表」、「親職化量表」為研究工具,對象為國內公、私立大專院校之大學生,以問卷調查的方式進行研究,正式施測時採叢集抽樣的方式,共獲得有效問卷484份,並以獨立樣本t考驗、皮爾森積差相關、階層迴歸分析等統計方法,進行資料分析。本研究的結果1.父母衝突程度、情緒安全感受與親職化各向度,除了父母衝突各向度與涉入、功能性照顧未達顯著外,其餘皆具有顯著相關。2.父母衝突程度以及情緒安全感受,可有效預測子女親職化的情形,其中涉入最能預測功能性照顧及情感性照顧,破壞性衝突與衝突擴散表徵最能預測不公平性。3.情緒安全感受在父母衝突與親職化間之中介效果:破壞性家庭表徵在衝突頻率與情感性照顧之間,以及建設性家庭表徵在建設性衝突與情感性照顧之間,具有完全中介的效果;衝突擴散表徵在破壞性衝突、衝突頻率與不公平性之間具有部分中介的效果。最後,根據研究結果與討論,針對未來研究的方向以及實務上的應用提出建議。
The purpose of the study is to investigate the correlation of college student’s perceptions of marital conflict, emotional security, and parentification. Besides, the study examines if children’s perceived marital conflict and emotional security could predict parentification. The final purpose is to explore the mediation effect of emotional security between marital conflict and parentification. The measure tools used in this study include “The Children Perceived Interparental Conflict Scale”, “The Security in the Interparental Subsystem Scale”, and “The Parentification Scale”. The questionnaires were administered to 484 college students in Taiwan. The results of survey were analyzed by Independent t test, Pearson’s correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study are as follows: 1.The dimensions of marital conflict, emotional security, and parentification related to each other significantly. Only the correlations between the dimensions of marital conflict with involvement and instrumental caregiving are not significant. 2. Marital conflict and emotional security can predict parentification significantly. Especially, involvement can explain instrumental and expressive caregiving the most, destructive marital conflict and conflict spillover representations can explain unfairness the most. 3. There are some mediation effects of emotional security between marital conflict and parentification: (a) The destructive family representations fully mediated the relationship between frequency of marital conflict and expressive caregiving. (b) The constructive family representations fully mediated the relationship between constructive marital conflict and expressive caregiving. (c) The conflict spillover representations partially mediated the relationship between destructive marital conflict and unfairness, and the same relationship between frequency of marital conflict and unfairness. Finally, the advanced discussions and further suggestions are addressed based on the result of this study.


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