標題: 探討台灣大學生以自由討論與辯論之二種線上討論形式的互動模式與認知呈現
An Exploration of Taiwanese College Students' Interaction Patterns and Cognitive Presence in Two Online Discussion Types—Free Discussion and Debate
作者: 許祐熏
關鍵字: 互動模式;認知呈現;電腦中介溝通;interaction patterns;cognitive presence;computer-mediated communication
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 隨著電腦中介溝通(computer-mediated communication)的日益普及,整合電腦中介溝通於第二外語教育中也越見重視。研究者開始致力於探討電腦中介溝通的潛力,用於提高學生文化意識、促進語言技能、提升合作學習以及促進思考能力。研究發現,電腦中介溝通似乎可以提升學習者的思考能力。在第一語言學習的情境下,Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2001)提出認知呈現(cognitive presence)來評量電腦中介溝通討論中的批判性思考能力,並建立了實際探索模組(Practical Inquiry Model)。然而,鮮少研究應用此模組來檢驗第二外語學習環境中的學生思考能力。 藉由非同步的線上論壇,本研究致力於探討大學生在二種不同的線上討論型式—自由討論與辯論中的互動模式(interaction patterns)和認知呈現,以及互動模式和認知呈現間的關係。本研究背景為選修的英文寫作課程,將線上討論整合為課程討論的方式之一。參與者為三十位大學生,大多來自於理工背景。研究資料收自於一份背景問卷及線上討論紀錄。根據Henri (1991)所提供的互動行為模組(Interactive Behavior Model)以及Garrison, Anderson, & Archer (2001)所建立的實際探索模組,研究者進行資料分析。 研究結果顯示,線上自由討論與線上辯論中的互動模式似乎相異。此外,此二種線上討論型式中的認知呈現並無明顯不同。此結果可能歸因於認知呈現受多重因素影響,包含缺乏訓練課程、教師參與程度、以及討論引導者的參與狀況。最後,研究者發現無互動性和有互動性的討論會引導出不同階段的認知呈現。
With the increasing popularity of computer-mediated communication, the integration of CMC in L2 education has drawn much attention. Researchers have examined the potentials of CMC for enhancing cultural awareness, for fostering language skills, for promoting collaborative learning, and for fostering thinking ability. They found that CMC may promote students’ critical thinking skills. In the L1 context, Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2001) proposed “cognitive presence” to assess critical thinking in CMC-based discussions and developed the Practical Inquiry Model. However, little studies have adopted the Practical Inquiry Model to assess critical thinking in a L2 context. The present study aimed to investigate EFL undergraduate students’ interaction patterns and cognitive presence in two types of online discussion— free discussion and debate via an asynchronous discussion forum. The relationship between interaction patterns and cognitive presence was further examined. The study was undertaken in an elective English writing course where online discussion was integrated as an alternative for class discussion. The participants in the study were thirty undergraduate students, mostly from science and technology fields. Data were collected from a background questionnaire and the online discussion logs. Online logs were then analyzed based on Henri’s (1991) Interactive Behavior Model and Garrison, Anderson, & Archer’s (2001) Practical Inquiry Model. The results indicated that interaction patterns in both discussion types seemed to be different. Additionally, the students did not tend to perform different phases of cognitive presence in free discussion and debate. It may be attributed to multiple factors including the lack of training sessions, teacher involvement and active engagement of the mediators. Finally, independent message and interactive messages may lead to different phases of cognitive presence.


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