標題: 全球車用IC發展趨勢與台灣車用IC發展策略之研究
The Study on Development Strategies for Taiwan’s Automotive ICs Based on Global Trends
作者: 游智元
chih-yuan yu
Quang-Hua Chen
關鍵字: 車用IC;車用電子;SWOT;automotive IC;automotive electronics;SWOT
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 隨著車輛智慧化的發展,車用電子產品在汽車上的使用比重日益增加,車用IC佔汽車成本的比例也越來越高,根據IC Insights (2006)資料顯示,2005年車用IC佔新車車輛電子系統成本比重約為33.3%,估計到2009年將達到35%。預估到2007年每部新車出廠,其中電子設備將達到1,705美元,若以IC元件佔車用電子系統成本比重34%來計算,估計2007年每部新車中,車用IC成本約在580美元以上。根據Strategy Analytics(2006)的數據顯示,2005年全球汽車電子系統的市場規模達1,299億美元,估計到2010年將成長至1,785億美元,年複合成長率(CAGR)為6.2%。汽車越來越人性化,車體內外的感測器將逐漸增多,以因應乘座者的舒適與安全需求。而未來由於車用籃芽技術、網路功能、引擎能源效率、主動安全駕駛的進一步提升,使得車用IC需求數量也隨之增多,預估2020年IC將佔有車用電子系統成本的70%以上。 本研究是以探討台灣IC設計公司在跨入車用IC時所面臨的挑戰、以及所需擬定的發展策略為出發點,本研究先以產業資訊研讀、專家學者訪談、及汽車相關廠商訪談為基礎,了解全球車用IC產業發展趨勢及競爭態勢。根據上述分析的產業知識為基礎,歸納車用IC廠商競爭所需的六大分析指標,以指標內容訪談台灣從事車用IC廠商,了解台灣車用IC廠商發展現狀。最後則是歸納統計訪談的結果,以SWOT分析台灣車用IC廠商的競爭力、未來車用IC市場機會、及台灣車用IC廠商未來所需擬定的發展策略。根據分析結果顯示,台灣IC設計公司雖然擁有優異的技術能力,完整的半導體產業供應鏈,但由於對車用電子市場的陌生,加上缺乏與車廠或車用電子廠商合作經驗,對於車規標準及車廠要求都需要時間學習。因此建議台灣IC設計公司先要提升本身的實力,佈局本身最具競爭力的產品線,尋找能長期合作且具有一定規模的車用電子廠商作為合作夥伴,以此方式切入車用IC市場,成功的機會相對就高很多。 關鍵詞:車用IC、車用電子、SWOT
With the development of intelligent vehicles, the use of automobive electronics is growing more important. Automotive IC costs in vehicle manufacturing is also increasing. Data in IC Insights (2006) indicated that 33.3% of costs for car electronical systems came from automotive ICs in 2005, and is forecast to grow to 35% in 2009. The estimated cost of electronic systems will be around US$1,705 per car in 2007. If 34% of electronic system costs come from IC components, each vehicle will use more than US$580 in automotive ICs in 2007. Strategy Analytics(2006) stated that the global market for automotive electronic system was around US$129.9 billion in 2005, but is forecast to grow to US$178.5 billion in 2010 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2%. A vehicle equiped with more intellengence and more detective sensors built in can better serve pessengers’ needs in safety and comfort. The demand for automotive ICs is increasing due to the development of Blue Tooth technology, internet function, engine efficiency, and active safe driving. It is forecast that by 2020, automotive ICs will account for 70% of the cost of a vehicle’s electronic system. This research studies the challenges for Taiwan’s IC design companies looking to enter the automotive IC industry. It’s development strategies come from studying industry reports, interviews with professional experts and players in automotive industry to understand development trends and competition in the industry. Based on industry knowledge, this report has come up with 6 analytical benchmarks, which are used to interview Taiwanese automotive IC companies to fully understand the development of this industry. Finally, this report uses the SWOT method to analyze the competitiveness of Taiwan automotive IC companies, market opportunities for future automotive ICs, and development strategies for Taiwan automotive IC companies. Although Taiwan IC design firms have rich experience in technology and the complete semiconductor supply chain, they are relatively new to automotive electronics and lack experience in cooperating with automobile manufacturers and automotive electronic producers. Thus, it will take time and effort for them to learn about vehicle regulatory standards and requirements from car manufacturers. This research will recommend that Taiwan IC design companies first upgrade their own capabilities, lay out their most competitive product lines, and seek a long term trusted automotive electronic manufacturer to be their partner to increase their chances for success. keyword:automotive IC、automotive electronics、SWOT
Appears in Collections:Thesis