標題: 台灣IPTV(網路電視)服務市場現況與機會
The Status and Opportunities of Taiwan's Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) Service market
作者: 陳心愉
Hsin Yu Chen
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: IPTV;數位匯流;MOD;Triple Play;IPTV;Digital Convergence;MOD;Triple Play
公開日期: 2007
摘要: IPTV (Internet Protocol TV)是利用寬頻網路將節目內容以IP 封包方式傳輸的一種多媒體的電視服務型態。不同於傳統的定時、單向廣播電視消費模式,IPTV使人們可以在任何時間、任何地點,選擇觀看喜歡的電視節目,實現媒體提供者和媒體消費者之間的實質性的互動。IPTV應用能有效地將電視、通信和PC三個領域結合在一起。正如行動電話解放了在使用電話通信時空間對人們的限制一樣,新興的網路電視(IPTV)解放了在觀賞電視節目時播放時間對人們的限制。IPTV服務結合了電信網、廣播網及網際網路等三大領域,可說是三網合一(triple play)的極致運用,創造了異業間緊密不可分的新關係與新商機。 全球IPTV的發展大部份皆由電信業者主導,但在台灣目前提供IPTV服務業者有電信業者、有線電視業系統者、內容提供者及ISP業者,各類型業者在經營上皆有其強項與弱點。本研究透過資料收集與分析,輔以SWOT分析、七力分析,探討全球IPTV產業發展趨勢、環境及目前台灣發展現況、產業競爭分析、法規問題及未來發展IPTV服務的機會與挑戰,以供後進者進入IPTV服務市場之參考。
IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) is a type of multimedia TV service that transmits programs as IP package via the broadband Network. Contrary to the consuming type of traditional TV and broadcast, IPTV enables people to choose the TV programs they like at any time and any places, realizing the actual interaction between media-provider and media-consumer. With the application of IPTV, it is more efficient to combine TV, Communication and PC realms together. Just as the mobile phone facilitate our communication life and release the restriction of time and places, the newly-developed IPTV service free us from the restriction of the TV schedule. Combined with the three major realms, TV, Communication and Internet, IPTV service can be depicted as a triple play application and creates new relationships and markets for different industries. Most of the IPTV developments worldwide are dominated by telecom companies. However, in addition to telecom service provider, there are cable TV Multiple service operator, content provider, and internet service provider in Taiwan that providing IPTV service. Among these providers, there are advantages and disadvantages concerning to their operation. By data searching, SWOT analysis, and seven forces analysis, this research focuses on the IPTV developing trend and the circumstances worldwide, the development in current Taiwan and its regulation affairs. Also, the research aims to find the strategy of IPTV services, the upcoming challenge and competition, trying to make some suggestions to those who want to enter the IPTV service market.