標題: 以CMMI為基礎的多媒體學習內容開發流程品質管制方法
A CMMI-Based Quality Control Method for Multimedia Learning Contents Developing Process
作者: 連瑞斌
Rui-Bin Lien
Deng-Jyi Chen
關鍵字: 能力成熟度整合模式;軟體工程;品質管制;數位學習;Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI);Software Engineering;Quality Control;e-Learning
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 由於網際網路以及通訊技術的成熟,使得多媒體內容可在一般的電腦自由流通及呈現,同時使得多媒體教材市場的需求量大為增加。如何運用低成本及高效率的方式來設計出高品質的多媒體教材,是當前學界及業界所需面對的重要議題。為了提昇多媒體教材的品質水準,首先必須了解造成品質問題的相關因素,並針對該因素建立一套有效的品質管制機制。在本研究中發現,造成品質問題的原因有二:(1)來自於多媒體教材本身內容腳本設計是否達到學習者的學習標的以及內容呈現效果的吸引性;(2)來自於多媒體教材開發過程當中,往往會因為內部或外部顧客的要求,而不斷的變更原始設計所造成的。其中在教材開發過程中由於缺少有效的控管措施而造成的品質不良。 由於目前多媒體教材設計皆遵循國際性通用標準如SCORM規範來開發,並無法保證可製作出高品質的多媒體教材。因此本研究以卡內基美隆大學的軟體工程研究所提出,在國際上具有學界及業界公信力的軟體品質標準能力成熟度整合模式CMMI為基礎,針對多媒體教材開發流程,提出“多媒體教材品質管制方法"。此品質管制方法可提供多媒體教材開發過程“不一致性偵測"機制,以協助多媒體教材在協同設計環境下,避免因為變更設計而產生不一致性的品質問題。最後藉由Client-Server架構,設計一個多媒體教材品質管制系統,來顯示本研究所提出的概念具有可行性及適用性。
The third industrial revolution in the twenty-first-century, led by the internet and information telecommunication technology, has made the multimedia learning contents (MLCs) creators and learners using multimedia for presentation in a major trend in education and for both the academic community and industrial sectors, researchers are seeking for better methodologies to design high-quality MLCs. To improve the quality level of MLCs, we need to understand the related factors and then design an efficient quality control mechanism. This thesis study addresses two quality issues: (1) whether the script design of the MLCs fulfills the learning objective, and whether it is attractive enough; (2) in the MLCs developing process, various changes of original requirements or designs may be continuously requested from either inner or exterior customers; if there is a lack of effective control and management mechanisms, there may be causing quality problems. Currently, although the design of MLCs follows international standards such as the SCORM, but this still does not guarantee the high-quality of MLCs. Therefore, this research employs the CMMI developed by the software engineering institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mellon University, to develop a quality control method for MLCs creators. This MLCs quality control (MQC) method includes an inconsistent detection mechanism in the MLCs developing process, so as to avoid quality problems due to continuous changes in design under a collaboration environment. The feasibility and compatibility of the proposed methodology will be demonstrated through a client-server system implementation that integrated into MQC system.


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