標題: 研究型大學圖書館期刊評選模式之研究
Citation Analysis Approach to Journal Collection of Academic Library
作者: 梁詩婉
Liang, Shih-Wan
Hwang, Ming-Jiu
關鍵字: 引文分析;期刊評鑑;多因素分析;Citation Analysis;Periodical Evaluation;Multiple-Factor Analysis
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 研究型大學每年均須面臨期刊增刪的問題,尤其西文期刊價格昂貴,如何有效追蹤與分析所採購的期刊之使用情形等資訊,供決策者參考,為圖書館重要之課題。本研究以引文分析為基礎,提出使用者為導向的期刊評選模式,考慮:一、機構使用者引用數量;二、國內專家所提出核心期刊清單;三、國際上JCR所蒐集的高影響係數(Impact Factor)期刊…等三個面向,最後再以彈性度較高的權重法決定最後的期刊購買清單。
Every year research-oriented university faces the difficulty of additions and
deletions of journals. Considering the high price of English journals, efficiently tracing
and analyzing the usage of purchased journals becomes one of the main library tasks.
Based on citation analysis, a reader-oriented journal evaluate model is created in this
research. Taking 3 factors, the amount of articles cited by the organization users, a core
journal list selected by domestic experts, and the High-impact factor journals in JCR into
consideration, the final journal purchased list is created through an additional weighting
The study processed the references of doctoral and Master’s thesis from
computer science department, National Chiao Tung University for the past 5 years, a
total of 27,016 bibliographic records. The analysis outcome is as follows: First, 62
journals enlisted in the first two categories through Bradford’s Law occupy only
4.22% of all cited journals. Second, according to this research model, the
conformation rate of National Chiao Tung University purchasing list is 82.26% and
the ratio goes up to 100% when taking the electric journals into consideration. Third,
analyzing the data of the past five years, we conclude that nearly 30 of all journals
recommended by the computer science department have never been cited. Such data
may serve as the negotiation of additions and deletions of the periodical list. Last but
not least, the system developed in this research is provided with citation analysis
function and flexible scoring system, which can further assist in journal evaluation


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