Title: 以開放原始碼建置大學圖書館顧客關係管理系統之研究
A Study of Building a Customer Relationship Management System for Library Using Open Source Software
Authors: 張健彥
Keywords: 書目探勘;開放原始碼;顧客關係管理;圖書館;vtiger CRM;Bibliomining;Open Source;Customer Relationship Management;Library;vtiger CRM
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 大學圖書館的角色,隨著網際網路的便捷與迅速,從以往被動的借還書服務,轉變為新一代的互動式圖書館,並且能主動滿足讀者的需求。館方如何瞭解讀者喜好,並將服務推廣給需要的讀者,是本研究極想要解決的問題。
本論文利用書目探勘的技術,分析讀者與圖書館互動的資料,期能瞭解讀者的需求。繼而將書目探勘找出的讀者特徵資料,實際導入開放原始碼顧客關係管理系統—vtiger CRM中,並實際運作顧客關係管理系統,協助圖書館運用於「圖書採購參考」、「電子資料庫教育訓練推薦」與「問題諮詢與追蹤」項目上。最後透過訪談瞭解館員對此系統的使用滿意度,並依據結果做為日後系統功能加強與改進的參考。

Along with the convenience and the speed of Internet, the role of university libraries has transformed from passive book loan services to the next generation interactive libraries which may meet readers’ needs spontaneously. The purpose of this study is to understand how university libraries obtain the information of readers’ likes and dislikes, and how they use the information to enhance library services to their readers.
One open-source CRM software, vtiger, is adopted in this study. The discoveries of bibliomining are imported into vtiger as its data source. In this manner, vtiger assists the university library to conduct the following service: the book purchase reference, the recommendation of electronic databases for training, and the reader consultation and data tracing. Interviews of librarians are performed to understand librarians’ satisfaction about the CRM system, which serve as the references to future enhancement of the system.
The analysis of bibliomining and the application of CRM in this research reduces the gaps and miscommunication between the library book purchases and readers’ actual needs. The introduction of the CRM to the university library also shows that it can simplify librarians’ specific work loads, including book purchasing, training on electronic database, and reader consultation.
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