標題: Duty phase control for single-phase boost-type SMR
作者: Chen, Hung-Chi
Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
關鍵字: duty phase control;power factor correction;sensorless;SMR
公開日期: 1-Jul-2008
摘要: In this paper, a novel duty phase control (DPC) for single-phase boost-type switching-mode-rectifier (SMR) is developed and digitally implemented in DSP-based system. Compared to the conventional multiloop control structure with inner current loop and outer voltage loop, it is noted that there is only one voltage loop tuning the phase of predefined duty pattern (i.e. duty phase) in the proposed DPC. Due to no current loop, sampling inductor current and tracking current are unnecessary when SMRs are operated to shape the current waveform and regulate the output voltage. It implies that the single-loop DPC is simple and adaptable to the implementation with digital and analog integrated circuits. In this paper, first, the effect of the duty phase on the input current is analyzed and modeled. It shows that the sinusoidal current waveform can be naturally generated by the predefined duty pattern and the current amplitude is roughly proportional to the controllable duty phase. Then, a voltage controller is designed to regulate the dc output voltage by tuning this duty phase. Finally, some simulated and experimental results have been given to illustrate the performances of the proposed DPC.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TPEL.2008.924627
ISSN: 0885-8993
DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2008.924627
Volume: 23
Issue: 4
起始頁: 1927
結束頁: 1934
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