標題: 洪氾區劃設法制化與整合管理系統建置之研究
Legislative Reaseach on the Floodplain Management---Technically and Legally Defining the Floodplain Area and Planning the Land Management Mechanism
作者: 楊錦釧
Yang Jinn-Chuang
關鍵字: 洪氾區;法制化;floodplain;Legalization
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 隨著土地利用密集的發展趨勢,在近年多次水利災害中,洪氾管理的必要性特別被突顯出來。洪氾管理實施的目的,係運用非工程防災措施之手段,以期減輕洪氾災害,繼以減少政府洪災損失之負擔。 水利署水利規劃試驗所目前雖已初步完成洪氾區管理課題中洪氾劃設部分的研究工作,並配合洪氾區劃設作業之進行,擬定「洪氾劃設技術參考手冊」,建立線上輔助資訊系統,但就整體洪氾管理面而言,仍嫌不足。因此,本計畫之主要目的為研擬探討洪氾管理之相關策略,工作內容可概分為四個部份,一為洪氾劃設技術進一步探討,相關工作內容可為「洪氾劃設技術參考手冊」增修之依據;二、三分別為土地管理要素與法制化要素相關內容是研析與建置;四為洪氾區整合管理系統(內容應包含洪氾劃設、土地管理與法制化三個部份)之建置、維護、增修與推廣應用。希望透過本計畫,以為我國洪氾區土地管理策略研擬與規範研訂之參考,和我國洪氾區劃設法制化之參考,並參考美國FEMA現行洪氾劃設技術及其法制化程序相關資料進行收集分析,以為落實我國現有洪氾劃設技術之依據。
ABSTRACT The scope of flood plains management includes three major elements, i.e., flood plains delineation, land management and legalization. The flood plains delineation is essentially the fundamental element of flood plains management. Technical issues are the major concerns in flood plains delineation and hence draw up of technical reference manual becomes the major task. The element of land management is crucial to implement flood plains management and the strategy and specifications drawup for land management are main tasks. Legalization is the enforcement element to carry out flood plains management. In essence, flood plains delineation and land management should have legal support to enforce. In addition, to unify and simplify the operational procedures for flood plains management, a flood plains management system should be established in order to complete integrated planning of flood plains management operations. The Institute of Planning and Hydraulic Research of the Water Resources Agency has recently completed research work on flood plains delineation, one of the flood plains management elements, and drawn up "Technical Reference Manual for Flood Plains Delineation" and set up on-line information supportive system in coping with flood plains delineation operations. However, it is still inadequate so far as the materialization of flood plains management is concerned. This Project aims to furnish strategies for complete and feasible flood plains management. The scope of work includes (1) further investigations and discussions on flood plains delineation techniques for possible additions and revisions to "Technical Reference Manual for Flood Plains Delineation", (2) research and analysis on land management issues, (3) research and analysis on legalization element, and (4) establishment, maintenance, additions and revisions, and extended applications of flood plains integrated management system (including flood plains delineation, land management and legalization). Work completed in the fiscal year of 2004, the first year of this Project, is as follows. 1. Investigations and discussions on flood plains delineation techniques: (1)completed flood plains delineations for Tung-Kang River and Keelung River, two different types of river. (2)completed additions and revisions to "Technical Reference Manual for Flood Plains Delineation" based on on-the-job experiences. 2. Land management element: (1) collections and analyses of relevant information from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the United States. (2) analysis on determination of base flood. (3) analysis on evaluation and estimate of flood damages. (4) comparison analysis between implementation of land management in flood plains and flood insurance policy. (5) preliminary strategy for land management. (6) preliminary specifications for land management. 3. Legalization element: (1) analysis on present crucial problems. (2) analysis on current water conservancy laws relevant to flood plains management. (3) analysis on draft water conservancy laws revised version II relevant to flood plains management. (4) comparison analysis between legalization of integrated water management in Japan and flood plains management in this Project. (5) initial conception of framework for legalization. 4. Establishment, maintenance, additions and revisions, and extended applications of integrated management system: (1) additions and revisions on delineation of flood plains. (2) setup of on-line instruction course on SOBEK model. (3) additions on land management and framework for legalization. (4) extended applications of the whole system.
官方說明文件#: 093-B-01030-003-035
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/91513


  1. RRPG93070137.pdf

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