Title: 氧化物/高分子複合薄膜之微波介電性質研究
The Microwave Dielectric Properties of Oxide/Polymer Composite Thin Films
Authors: 林鵬
Keywords: 複合薄膜;介電;微波;composite films;dielectric;microwave
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 由於個人無線通訊近年發展快速。為因應產品微小化的要求,電子元件相關的電
路與材料上必須整合與開發。SIP 技術發展朝向將所有主、被動元件進行整合成為單
The trend of miniaturized products in the age of progressing personal wireless
communication pushed the integration of circuits and materials in the electronic devices. The
technology of SIP is going forward to integrate all the active and passive components into a
single device on the frame of packaging using a less space. Particularly, on the package
board one or more layers of thin dielectric films can be grown by the thin film technology to
fabricate the transmission lines, resistors, inductors and capacitors required by
communication devices. However, the choices of the dielectric layers suitable for
high-frequency devices are rare and their properties need to be studied in detail. Hence, the
principle investigator, based on the past years experiences on the thin-film microwave
devices, proposed the following two-year project, including: synthesis of the composite
films containing nano-sized oxide powders; characterizations of the material, physical and
chemical properties of the films; studies on the adhesion between the films and metal
electrodes, and development of buffer layers for enhancing the adhesion; measurement of the
film dielectric properties under high frequency fields; and, finally, the synthesis of a series of
films with differing dielectric constants. The aim of the research is to develop highfrequency
dielectric films with multiple choices, easy processing, and high compatibility, as
demanded by the microwave device designers.
Gov't Doc #: NSC93-2216-E009-026
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/91613
Appears in Collections:Research Plans