標題: 我國航空保安發展策略之研究
Developing Strategies for National Aviation Security
作者: 汪進財
Jinn-Tsai Wong
關鍵字: 航空運輸;航空保安;機場保安;Air Transportation;Aviation Security;Airport Security
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 航空器安全運行之保障主要可分為飛航安全(Flight Safety)與航空保安(Aviation Security)兩大課題,以往民航主管單位及航空界多著重在如何防治意外事故發生的飛航安全課題,911之後,如何防治犯罪行為與危害正常飛航秩序行為發生的航空保安課題始受到強烈的關注,台灣地區因過去對於航空保安一直缺乏較一完整的認證與監督機制,實有待建立一套符合國內特性及國際標準的航空保安策略及機場保安計畫,以提升我國航空保安水準,並能符合國際最新航空保安規範。 據此,本計畫擬發展一整體性的航空保安計畫,主要工作內容包括: 1.蒐集國內外相關計畫、法規與規範。 2.蒐集國內外航空保安科技發展資料。 3.蒐集國內外現行航空保安教育訓練計畫。 4.分析ICAO第十七號附約之相關規範。 5.分析國內航空保安現況。 6.研擬國內航空保安重要議題。 7.辦理相關航空保安之研討會。 8.研擬並分析我國航空保安發展策略。
Flight safety and aviation security are two main issues to operate air transportation safely. In the past, civil aviation administration and industries paid more attention on how to prevent accidents from happening. After the catastrophe of 911, however, how to deter perpetrations and acts of unlawful interference has become more significant. The lack of a comprehensive mechanism of aviation security in Taiwan has made it quite necessary to establish airport security programmes and the relevant strategies that meet international standards and domestic need. As a consequence, it will promote the performance of aviation security in Taiwan and fit the latest international aviation security regulations. In sum, this project will include: 1.collecting relevant plans, laws and regulations; 2.collecting information on aviation security technology; 3.collecting current aviation security training programmes; 4.analyzing ICAO Annex 17; 5.analyzing the status of Taiwan's aviation security; 6.exploring major issues in aviation security; 7.holding aviation security seminars; and 8.analyzing and developing strategies for aviation security.
官方說明文件#: MOTC-STAO-92-23
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/92227


  1. RRPG92031055.pdf

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