標題: 補償程度對觀察者服務失誤歸因之影響–自我知覺理論之驗證
The Impact of Level of Compensation on Observers Attribution of Service Failures: an Examination of Self-Perception Theory
作者: 張家齊
chang chia-chi
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 既存服務失誤/補償之文獻,多數探討的主體均是行為者,鮮少針對服務失誤/補償 對於觀察者的可能的影響進行探討。本研究依據自我知覺理論,推論由於觀察者通常較 缺乏內在知識與資訊,在歸因服務失誤時,觀察者可能會依據補償程度的高低來推論廠 商責任的高低,導致在高補償的條件下,觀察者將服務失誤歸因於廠商的程度會高於在 低補償的條件下。本計畫擬以三個連貫的研究,深入探討補償程度對觀察者服務失誤歸 因的影響,藉以彌補文獻上對之不足。在計畫的第一年,本研究擬使用焦點團體及深度 訪談,針對補償程度對於觀察者服務失誤的影響予以定性;而本計畫的第二年則預計以 實驗法,驗證補償程度對觀察者服務失誤歸因之影響;而計畫的第三年中,本研究則擬 比較補償程度對行為者與觀察者服務失誤歸因的影響,協助廠商在服務失誤後,能夠同 時考慮行為者與觀察者對於服務補償的可能反應,藉以擬定更為恰當的補償措施。
While the prior literature has focused on how consumers attribute service failures to service providers, little has been documented about the reaction (attribution) of observers of such incidents. According self-perception theory, particularly when lack of internal cues, observers of a service failure incident might make their attribution based on the level of compensation. Consumers might to attribute the failure to the service firm when provided with a higher level of compensation than when provided with a lower level of compensation in the absence of internal cues. In our proposal, we manage to investigate this phenomenon in three years. In the first year, we are going to explore whether such effect exist. We will use focus group method to examine the existence of such effect. Subsequently, depth interviews will be conducted to collect the materials for the experiment that we plan to implement in year two. In year two, we will then manage to find whether there are individual (e.g., need for consistency) and/or situational factors (e.g. service importance) that moderate such an effect. As to year three, we will then compare actors and observers of the same service failure incident and ascertain whether the role (actors vs. observers) will moderate the aforementioned effect.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2410-H009-026-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98902