標題: 海岸棲地水文地貌評估模式之現地研究
Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing the Coastal Habitat
作者: 郭一羽
關鍵字: 棲地模式;海堤生態;評估
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 台灣海岸原本是生態非常豐富的地帶,但近二、三十年來人為的開發利用和破壞, 生物棲地遭到嚴重破壞。近來全世界都非常注重生物多樣性的維護,海岸工程的規劃設 計也需注重生物棲地的保護或棲地營造。但何為好的棲地,何為不良棲地,必須有明確 的指標來加以判斷,亦即必須有所謂的生態評估模式用來評估生物棲地的優劣。本計畫 根據美國用於海岸感潮濕地的HGM 模式(水文地貌棲地評估模式),將模式內容做修改, 使適用於做台灣海岸環境的生態環境評估。本研究預計為期兩年,第一年為模式的建 立,第二年為案例的檢討和驗證。本研究為第二年的後續研究。第一年計畫「水文地貌 評估模式應用於海岸棲地之研究」,經資料蒐集和專家問卷,在原有模式中對水文地貌 因子和生態棲地功能指標,做了適當的修正,建立了適用於台灣海岸生態棲地之基本HGM 評價模式。然而模式應用的可信度,必須經生態學專家的驗證。因此本年度擬就國內海 岸選擇各種不同性質的地點,針對其生態棲地環境,利用模式評估結果與專家直接評價 結果做比對,反覆修正和調整模式中水文地貌因子的適合性和權重,盡量使模式評估能 與專家評價有較一致性的結果。專家驗證的次數愈多,未來模式的可信度和通用性也就 愈大。此外,本計畫同時必須經過評估操作人員的驗證,來確定模式操作的方便性和可 行性。
There were variety of biotypes along the coast in Taiwan, but it has been spoiled seriously by human exploitation in the last two to three decades. Recently, as the maintenance of biodiversity has been paid a lot attention globally and so as the planning and design of coastal engineering, protecting or establishing habitats has been important. Therefore, it is necessary to have a definite index to distinguish good habitats from bad. That is, the so-called ecosystem evaluation model should be established. This research intends to modify the HGM model content so that a proper habitats evaluation model for Taiwan's coastal eco-environment with the reference, while initial the wetland habitats evaluation model utilized in America. It is estimated to be a two-year research. The first year is mainly to establish the model, the second year is to review and verify the cases. In the first year, the project titles “Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to assess the coastal habitat”. Those hydrological and ecological landscape habitat factors were modification mainly based on questionnaire data collection and experts, the establishment of the HGM habitat evaluation model for Taiwan's coastal. However, the reliability of the application model must be verified by ecology experts. Therefore, this year was expected to select variety locations at domestic. The use of models and expert assessment of evaluation results directly matched against the pattern repeated in the amendments and adjustments for hydrologic and geomorphic factors in weight as possible, with the expert evaluation model to evaluate a more consistent result, repeatability. After verification of more times the number of experts, the future pattern of the greater reliability and versatility. In addition, the project must be assessed at the same time the verification operator to determine the mode of operation of the convenience and feasibility.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2221-E009-004
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99219


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