标题: 适用于 Facebook 游戏应用之网路平台客户端系统
The Client System of a Network Platform for Facebook Game Applications
作者: 吴毅成
关键字: 社交游戏;MVC架构;游戏伺服器;Social games;Model-View-Control Architecture;game servers
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 此计画的主要目的是研究适用于Facebook 的网路游戏平台。近几年随着网际网路及Web
2.0 的大受欢迎,网路服务开始朝着内容丰富且具备高互动性的趋势前进,而网路游戏更是
其发展过程中一项重要的推手。Facebook 是一个受欢迎的网路社交平台,近来更开放游戏
中脱颖而出。因此,此计画将设计一个适用于Facebook 的网路游戏之客户端平台雏形系统,
控管整体游戏流程之控制与各种Server 间之通讯,同时提供系统该有的扩充性,能让游戏开
1 相关研究资料之收集。
2 游戏系统平台架构之研究设计;以MVC(Model-View-Control)架构为基础,并设计雏形系
3 Controller 之研究设计。
4 Model 之研究设计。
5 View 之研究设计。
6 网路通讯之研究设计。
7 Loader 之研究设计。
The purpose of this project is to study a network game platform for Facebook
application, and especially to study the performance of such a network game platform.
Facebook is a popular social network, and also supports a game platform for third-party
game companies to provide users with games on Facebook. A feature of Facebook games
is a huge number of players, normally over millions of users. However, another feature of
Facebook games is that the interoperations among users are not so heavy. So, we plan to
design a prototype network game client platform for Facebook to handle all the flow control
of games and communication between servers and to offer high extensibility for game
developments. So, this allows the game developers to focus more on games themselves.
In this project, the planned research work items are listed as follows.
1. Collect the commercial and research information related to this project.
2. Study and design the architecture of the network game client platform, based on MVC
(Model-View-Control) architecture.
3. Study and design the module of controllers in the platform.
4. Study and design the module of models in the platform.
5. Study and design the module of views in the platform.
6. Study and design the module of communication in the platform.
7. Study and design the module of loaders in the platform.
官方说明文件#: NSC100-2622-E009-011-CC3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99509
显示于类别:Research Plans