標題: 實質選擇權、財務限制與先佔投資
Real Options, Financial Constraints and Preemption
作者: 黃星華
Huang Hsing-Hua
關鍵字: 實質選擇權;財務限制;雙占;搶先;波動度;Real options;Financing constraints;Duopoly;Preemption;Volatility
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 此二年期計畫嘗試分析在一個雙佔市場下,不對稱投資成本與財務限制對企業最適實質
著名的企業投資決策與其內部資金之非單調關係(U 型或V 型)是否仍然成立;(4)觀望實
本模型,此計畫將探討下述實證議題:(1)現金持有、財務限制與投資,例如Denis and
Sibilkov (2009);(2)競爭、財務限制與投資,例如Haushalter et al. (2008);(3)現金持有、
競爭與財務限制,例如Fresard (2010);(4)競爭、不確定性與投資,例如Bulan et al. (2009)。
This two-year project attempts to analyze the impacts of asymmetric investment costs and
financial constraints on firms’ optimal real option investment decisions in a duopoly. We will
develop and empirically test a real options preemption game model where the optimal
investment strategies of the two firms are relevant to their financial strengths, investment
costs, firm sizes and roles in the game (leader or follower). The model could be possibly
employed to examine (1) how the two firms’ relative financial strengths and investment costs
affect their role in an investment timing game; (2) how the rival’s financial constraints and
investment costs influence the firm’s optimal investment decision and real option value; (3)
whether the well-known non-monotonic (U-shaped or V-shaped) relation between a firm’s
investment strategy and its internal funds still holds when there exists a potential competitor;
and (4) whether the rule-of-thumb of wait-and-see real options (i.e., deferring investment
when facing high uncertainty) is still correct. Based on the model, we are planning to
investigate the following empirical topics: (1) cash holdings, financial constraints and
investment, e.g., Denis and Sibilkov (2009); (2) competition, financial constraints and
investment, e.g., Haushalter et al. (2008); (3) cash holdings, competition and financial
constraints, e.g., Fresard (2010); (4) competition, uncertainty and investment, e.g., Bulan et al.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2410-H009-023
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99646


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