標題: 四溪流域語言接觸下之客家方言音韻對比分析
A Phonological Comparison on Contact Phenomena of Hakka Dialects in Four Stream Basin
作者: 劉秀雪
關鍵字: 四溪流域;客家音韻;音韻學;語言接觸;客家話;Four Stream Basin;Hakka dialect;Hakka phonology;phonology;language contact
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本計畫主要調查四溪流域各鄉鎮的客家話與其他族群之間的互動所造成的方言語音、音韻的變化。觀察焦點包含 1) 客家次方言交互影響所造成的語言演變,2) 客家方言與閩南方言長期共處所產生的語言變化,3) 客家方言作為第二語言習得時,所產生的語音音韻調整現象。調查方式:以《方言調查詞表》(中國社會科學院語言研究所編輯1981)收集各點方言的整體聲韻調特色;同時針對四縣海陸語音特色(鍾榮富2004,古國順等2005),包括高央元音出現位置、舌面聲母有無、連讀變調、小稱構詞變調等異同點設計特定詞表。 第三年調查點為苗栗縣南庄鄉,接觸語言是南島族群的泰雅語、賽夏語及客家話,國語、閩南語也可能形成干擾。主要觀察的語言現象是以泰雅語,或賽夏語為母語,以客家語為第二語言或日常對外使用語言的人,他們的客家話音韻特徵,與一般以客家話為母語的使用者之間,是否存在差異。
This project focus on contact induced dialectal phonological variation and change between Hakka and other language groups in Four Stream Basin. Three main issues are concerned: 1) language change induced by the interaction among sub-dialects of Hakka, 2) language change caused by a long-term interaction between Hakka and Southern Min dialects, 3) the phonological adaptation phenomena in Hakka dialects acquired as a second language. In the third year, we will have a close look of Hakka learned as second language by the Austronesian speakers in Nanchuang, Miauli County, since Hakka has been the major or common dialect used there. The main research interest is on the phonological similarities and differences of Hakka dialects spoken by native Hakka speakers and Austronesian speakers who have acquired Hakka as their second language.
官方說明文件#: 99-0399-06-05-03-02
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99870
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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