標題: 先進科技運用於公共運輸系統之整體發展架構、指標與推動策略
作者: 王晉元
Wang, Jin-Yuan
關鍵字: 公共運輸;策略規劃
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 交通部為落實發展大眾運輸之政策,將先進大眾運輸系統(APTS)列為智慧型運輸系統(ITS)之重點發展項目,以提昇大眾運輸系統營運績效與服務品質,強化其競爭力。經過近10年來的努力,目前臺灣在APTS之發展上已有一定的具體成果。值此階段,實有必要對臺灣過去10年來發展APTS之成效加以評估並檢討推動過程中所遭遇到之問題,適度調整我國未來發展先進公共運輸系統之政策方向,同時掌握相關科技之最新發展狀況,並參酌先進國家發展先進公共運輸系統之現況與應用方向,規劃國內發展先進公共運輸系統更具前瞻性之發展架構、願景指標與推動策略。
The advanced public transit system (APTS) is a major implementation focus for MOTC, Taiwan. There were several implementation projects completed during the past 10 years in order to promote the usage of public transportation. It is time to evaluate these projects and refine the development strategies. We will conduct performance evaluations, cases studies as well as examine relevant projects in other countries in this research. Our goal is to come out a well-define, efficient, effective, and feasible master plan for Taiwan’s APTS developments.
官方說明文件#: MOTC-IOT-99-MDB002
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99876


  1. RRPG9903-0488-2458971.pdf

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