標題: 嵌入式網路通訊裝置評比技術與工具之研發---子計畫四:嵌入式網路通訊裝置儲存裝置效能評比基準與工具之研發(中心分項)(II)
Design and Development of Benchmarking Technologies and Tools for Storage Systems of Embedded Network and Communication Devices (II)
作者: 張立平
Chang Li-Pin
關鍵字: 固態硬碟;快速雛形化;效能模擬;solid-state disk;fast prototyping;simulation
公開日期: 2010
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2220-E009-047
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99934
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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