標題: 組織中知識獲取及知識分享的前因與後果
Antecedents and Consequences of Knowledge Acquistion and Sharing in Organizations
作者: 王耀德
關鍵字: 組織信任;技術經驗;知識獲取;知識分享;組織學習;創新表現;Organizational Trust;Technical Experiences;Knowledge Acquisition;KnowledgeSharing;Organizational Learning;Innovation Performance
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 除了從自己的研發工作外,組織還從外界的來源獲取必要的知識。做為組織主要的
本研究將以訪談法及問卷調查法,對半導體與IC 設計業的公司收集質化與量化的
Organizations gain knowledge not only from their own R&D, but also from sources
external to themselves. As a main provider of knowledge to organization, R&D unit’s
contribution to organizational learning and innovation is broader than what is commonly
expected on it—creating knowledge and inventing products and techniques only from its own
research endeavor. R&D unit acquires knowledge from sources outside organization and
shares the knowledge with other functions within organization. Since the literature suggests
that trust can facilitate knowledge exchange and sharing and prior knowledge can enhance
acquiring of new knowledge, we intend to examine in this project how organizational trust
and R&D personnel’s prior technical experiences affect their acquiring knowledge from
external sources and sharing knowledge within organization. Last, we plan to study how
R&D personnel’s knowledge management activities influence organizational learning and
innovation performance. We will separate this effect on learning and innovation from
R&D’s direct contribution to innovation through its own R&D effort. We propose eight
hypotheses to specify what we intend to do regarding our investigation on these effects. The
hypotheses will guide our progress on the proposed research work.
We will use interview and questionnaire survey to collect qualitative and quantitative
data from the companies in semi-conductor and IC-design industries. These companies rely
heavily on R&D and external knowledge acquisition for keeping their innovativeness and suit
for serving as subjects of this study. The qualitative data can be used to derive the
measurement indices for the variables in the proposed hypotheses and to modify the
hypotheses. The quantitative data can be used to test the hypotheses. We will use these
companies as a source of our sample.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2410-H009-010
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101990
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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