標題: 客家族群產業經濟研究:以頭前溪為例
Hakka industry economic study-Take the Touciian-river as the example
作者: 黃紹恆
Huang, Shaw-Herng
關鍵字: 新竹;頭前溪;客家產業經濟;Hsinchu;Touciian River;Hakka industry economy
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究計畫為「台灣客家族群的聚落、歷史與社會變遷:以鳳山、頭前、中港及後龍四溪流域為範圍之跨學科研究」之子計畫「四溪流域客家族群產業研究」之頭前溪流域部份。以3年為期,就此流域在近400年的歷史過程中,以客家人為研究主軸,研究此流域的客家族群在每個歷史階段與其他族群的互動情形,以及在此族群互動之下,流域內經濟活動與產業建立的實際狀況。其中,特別重視此流域內的重要都市―新竹、竹東―之崛起,以及在此流域所發揮的功能。
This program, Industry Study of Hakka People in Basin of the Four Rivers, is the sub-program of Cross-department Study of Villages, History and Social Changes of Hakka People in the Range of Basin of the Four Rivers of Fengshan, Touqian, Zhonggang and Holong. It covers three years and focuses on Hakka people in the basin in the past 400 years to explore how Hakka people in the basin interacted with other groups of people in each stage of history and the actual condition of economic activities and establishment of industry in the basin. The paper particularly emphasizes the emergence of the major cities, Hsinchu and Zhudong, in the basin and their functions in the basin.
官方說明文件#: 97-0399-05-0301-08
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102782


  1. RRPG97060417.pdf

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