標題: 從價值與魅力品質理論探討女性的婚紗夢
Exploring Women's Fascination with Wedding Photographs from the Perspective of Value and Attractive Quality Theory
作者: 黃淑琴
Shu-Chin Huang
Chen-Yin Chen
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 方法目的鏈;魅力品質理論;價值;婚紗攝影;Means-End Chain;Attractive Quality Theory;Value;Wedding Photographs
公開日期: 1-十月-2011
摘要: 魅力品質不僅能促進消費,也是服務差異化與競爭優勢的來源;但想創造魅力品質必須先能解讀顧客內在反應。因此,本研究結合魅力品質理論與方法目的鏈(means-end chain; MEC),嘗試解析女性對於婚紗攝影的內心需求,並從其中探究婚紗攝影對女性的真正吸引力。結果發現:對女性而言,婚紗攝影是一種追求多元價值之消費體驗,最終目的在獲取長時間的愉悅、經濟性效率、永恆的見證與回憶。追求價值的過程中,「受到讚賞」、「好心情」、「兼顧其他」和「分享喜悅」四種利益對提高滿意度影響最大,而「免花冤枉錢」、「自然與質感」、「保障」則能降低不滿意度。最後本文建構「交易與見證」、「美的體驗」和「效率與時效」三種價值階層,除解釋多元屬性所創造的需求差異,以及如何滿足各種顧客需求,也從魅力價值階層了解如何創造婚紗攝影服務的吸引力。
Attractive quality serves not only as a trigger of consumption, but also what makes the service different and competitive. Creating attractive quality requires an understanding of the consumers' internal perceptions. This research, adopting the attractive quality theory and the Means-end chain (MEC), attempts to analyze a bride's demands of wedding photography services, exploring thereby the charm wedding photographs have for women. The results reveal that wedding photographs provide women with a consumer experience of diversified values, with its ultimate goals being long-term satisfaction, economic efficiency, and the testimony and memory of long-lasting relationships. In customers' pursuit of above-mentioned values, the four benefits which have the greatest influences on raising their levels of satisfaction are ”being complimented”, ”having good moods”, ”added convenience” and ”the sharing of one's happiness with others”. What can significantly reduce levels of dissatisfaction is ”free from unnecessary spending”, ”natural quality” and ”guarantees”. Three categories of ”transaction and testimony”, ”experience of beauty”, ”time efficiency” are demonstrated in the end as the study explains the different requirements claimed by the diverse values, the way to meet the needs of various customers as well as the way to enhance the attraction of wedding photography.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107846
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 18
Issue: 4
起始頁: 581
結束頁: 605


  1. 10239863-01804-191.pdf

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