標題: 物理光學
Physical Optics
作者: 林怡欣
Open Education Office
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 課程首頁 本課程是由交通大學光電工程學系提供。 This course will introduce the polarization of light and the optical propagation of light as applied to isotropic, anisotropic, inhomogeneous, periodic media.
課程目標/概述 This course will introduce the polarization of light and the optical propagation of light as applied to isotropic, anisotropic, inhomogeneous, periodic media.   課程章節 單元主題 內容綱要 時數 Review of electromagnetic field theory Electromagnetic fields Maxwell equations Poynting theory and electromagnetic power flow 3小時 Wave propagation in linear, isotropic and homogeneous media Wave propagation in linear, isotropic Phase and group velocity Polarization of light Uniform plane wave in lossless media Reflection and refraction at planar boundaries for TE and TM polarizations Brewster angle, critical angle and total internal reflection Reflection and refraction in planar single layer Reflection and refraction in multilayered media Applications: thin film coating etc 12小時 Interference Two beam interference Multi-beam interference Interferometers 6小時 Polarization of light Jones calculus, retardation plates and polarizers 3小時 Wave propagation in anisotropic media Dielectric tensor classification of anisotropic media Plane wave propagation in anisotropic media and dispersion relation Light propagation in uniaxial and biaxial media Power flow in anisotropic mediaIndex ellipsoid Refraction and reflection at anisotropic interface Optical activities and faraday rotation Applications: anisotropic devices 19小時 Optical propagation in periodic media Optical propagation in periodic media 3小時 課程書目 A. Yariv & P. Yeh, “ Optical waves in crystals”(John Wiley & Sons) Class notes 參考書目 A. Yariv, “Optical electronics in modern communications” (Oxford) H. A. Haus, “Waves and fields in Optoelectronics” (Prentice-Hall) 評分標準 項目 百分比 作業 20% 2次考試 40% 期末考 40%
預備知識:Electromagnetic field theory
URI: http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail.php?bgid=8&nid=346
Appears in Collections:Open Course Ware