Title: 產業成熟期的策略調整 –以背光模組為例
Strategies for Mature Markets – The Backlight Industry Case Study
Authors: 葉敏君
Yeh, Min-Chun
Keywords: 背光模組;產業循環;白地策略;商業模式;Backlight Module;Product Life Cycle;White Space Strategy;Business Model
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究以背光模組產業為個案,探討產業成熟期的策略調整 。成熟期背光模組市場之供需狀況,由供不應求轉變為供過於求,同時後進國家之廠商也逐漸以低價量產之背光模組來參與市場競爭,因此價格成為市佔率關鍵策略。本論文綜合運用安索夫多角化策略矩陣分析,加上馬克.強生的白地策略整合應用,以背光模組產業的技術發展(MIB整合、超薄SLIM BLU) ,以及與品牌客戶或整合商協同合作營運方式的改變(Hingeup)為案例,探討背光模組產業面臨成熟期時商業模式的綜合創新策略。研究發現背光產業可以運用兩者綜合策略而轉型新的商業模式,並有機會透過新技術的發展與次系統協同設計(Co-Design)而切入市場白地,而且透過企業組織資源調整,多角化演進創新,可讓產業轉型以渡過產業循環之成熟期,並讓背光模組廠商得以連結終端品牌廠而帶來價值與利潤,永續經營。
過去台灣背光模組產業習於代工(OEM)之供應策略,遭遇產業成熟期之衝擊,透過本研究的系統化綜合商業模式分析策略可為台灣產業找出因應之創新方法,而演進變成ODM。而將來台灣背光模組廠若更往終端產品策略發展甚至也能作系統和供應鏈整合,以多角化白地策略整合應用,調整組織資源,切入關鍵技術或者關鍵元件,而更進一步滲透到品牌廠之通路、全球物流、銷售管道(Channel) 、和RMA退換貨、回收服務通路等,協助下游客戶、品牌客戶,提供全套解決方案的服務,包括通路管理、和售後支援等,成為 OCM (Original Channel Manufacturing) 。
A case study for the backlight module industry was performed. This research focused on the strategic decision-making approaches for the backlight module industry in mature markets, in which the backlight module was oversupplied, and the price had become a key issue for a higher market share. Meanwhile, in the mature stage of the Product Life Cycle Model, the emerging country's manufacturers had gradually penetrated into the market with lower cost backlight module productions. This thesis’s strategic decision-making approach of integration of Ansoff Matrix together with the Mark. Johnson's White Space Strategy Matrix was analyzed. After the analysis, a new business model canvas was generated for the backlight module industry. In the new business model canvas analysis, the backlight module industry innovated and repositioned their value in the supply chain through their re-organizations of technology development strategies (e.g. MIB integration, slim SLIM BLU .. etc), and the co-design (Hingeup) activities with the brand customers or System Integrators (SI). So that the backlight module industry could bring new value to brand customers as well as regain more profit from their brand customers by the innovated business model canvas under the mature markets. The new business model could lead the industry into a new life cycle with sustainable operations.
In the past, Taiwan’s backlight module industry used to be OEM, but suffered from the impact under the mature markets. This thesis’s strategic decision-making approach could be used to find an innovative business model for Taiwan’s backlight module industry to become ODM. If the industry could do further collaboration with the whole supply chain (e.g. further penetration into the downstreams, global logistics, sales channel, and total solutions such as RMA, recycling, after-sales support,..etc.) by this thesis’s proposed system methodology, they could even become OCM (Original Channel Manufacturing).
Keywords: Backlight Module; Product Life Cycle; White Space Strategy; Business Model
Appears in Collections:Thesis