Title: 晶圓代工廠之先進訂單允諾系統
An Advanced Order Fulfillment System in Semiconductor Foundry Plants
Authors: 許惠蘭
Hsu, Hui-Lan
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: 供應鏈管理;可允諾量;產能配置規劃;晶圓代工廠;污染稅;全氟化物;Supply Chain Management;Available-to-promise;Allocation Planning;Semiconductor Foundry Plants;Pollution Tax;PFCs
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 在全球化的產業競爭下,晶圓代工業面臨著市場快速變化的壓力,晶圓製造商需要一套有效的訂單履約系統來允諾客戶的訂單,因此,可允諾量的概念備受重視。可允諾量的機制可使製造商快速地允諾客戶的訂單需求並且可靠地告知客戶訂單的預定交期,進而提高顧客滿意度。然而,伴隨著市場的快速成長,晶圓代工廠所排出的全氟化合物量亦逐年攀升,全氟化合物在大氣中的生命週期相當的長,也是造成溫室效應的原凶之一,因此,如何降低全氟化合物的排放量以減輕溫室效應,是我們應該要高度重視的課題。
供應鏈相關的文獻雖然已有探討產能配置規劃與可允諾量的整合,並探討及時與批次訂單履約的最佳政策,但卻沒有探討產能配置計畫是否有如期達成? 是否有因此閒置的產能?也沒有相關的文獻探討如何將產能規劃整合環境汙染稅以控制溫室氣體排放量。本論文在第一個階段提出一個整合產能配置規劃與可允諾量的模型,並提出一套定期檢視產能配置規劃的機制。此外,有別於基本的產能規劃模型外,本論文在第二個階段另外考慮了企業的社會責任,整合了污染稅、補貼與污染累進稅的概念,另提出了四個產能配置規劃模型,利用產能規劃探討人為的全氟化合物排放控制問題。初步研究結果顯示,本論文在第一個階段所提出的定期檢視機制可以增加產能利用率與提高企業獲利率,且能更有彈性地管理及分配有限的資源;而在第二個階段所提出的整合汙染稅的產能配置規劃模型則是提供規劃上的更大的彈性以控制全氟化合物排放量,讓決策者能利用假設分析進行產能規劃的決策。
In today’s globalization competition, manufacturing firms are using an order fulfillment system to give available-to-promise (ATP) capacity efficiently. An ordinary order fulfillment system will plan capacity based on forecasts and assign ATP quotas to incoming orders. Its basic idea is to enhance capacity utilization and avoid poor customer service. However, in the semiconductor industry, demand is highly volatile, and a make-to-order manufacturer often runs the risk of cancelled committed demands. The ability to respond quickly to customer orders is important in gaining the competitiveness in this industry. Also, the continued development of manufacturing industries along with increasing greenhouse gas emissions is becoming a critical concern that forces mankind to mitigate global warming. Given the long atmospheric lifetimes of Perfluorocarbons (PFCs), it is especially important to reduce the emissions of PFCs which are commonly found in the semiconductor industry.

In this research, we propose an integrated order fulfillment model for a MTO semiconductor foundry fab to maximize corporate profit in phase I. Specifically, we suggest a periodic allocation review mechanism to reallocate unused ATP quotas. In additional to the basic allocation planning model, we also propose four allocation planning models that incorporate pollution taxes, subsidies, and/or progressive pollution taxes into capacity allocation to investigate the problem of anthropogenic PFC emissions in phase II. We examine the order fulfillment model performance based on different data sets. Results showed that capacity utilization and profitability are improved substantially with the periodic review mechanism, especially when demand forecast is not reliable in phase I. We also find that the inclusion of subsidies and/or progressive taxes into the allocation planning models provides more flexibility when considering environmental policies in phase II. Different levels of pollution taxes and subsidies can allow the government or a decision maker to conduct “what-if” analysis so as to determine the extent of the environmental “footprint” of the industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis