標題: 晶圓代工廠可允諾產能再分派之研究
A reallocation model for the available-to-promise capacity in foundry manufacturing
作者: 姜齊
關鍵字: 供應鏈;可允諾量;訂單生產;晶圓代工;Supply chain;Available-to-promise;Make-to-order;Foundry manufacturing
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 在全球化的產業競爭下,製造商需要一套有效的訂單履約系統來允諾客戶的訂單, 可允諾量的概念備受重視。可允諾量的機制可使製造商快速地允諾客戶的訂單需求並且 可靠地告知客戶訂單的預定交期,進而提高顧客滿意度。 本計畫主要探討晶圓代工業的可允諾量模型。晶圓代工業是屬於訂單式生產,所需 要投資建廠的資本支出金額龐大,機器設備的折舊費用高,因此產能利用率為一個獲利 的重要因素。晶圓代工業者通常無法掌握客戶下訂單的時程,但為了要讓利潤與產能利 用最佳化,事先的產能配置規劃就顯得特別重要。另外,產品的交期影響客戶的產品是 否能及時上市,準確的可允諾量可提高客戶對製造服務的滿意度。 供應鏈相關的文獻雖然已有探討產能配置規劃與可允諾量的整合,並探討及時與批 次訂單履約的最佳政策,但卻沒有探討產能配置計畫是否如期達成? 是否有因此閒置的 產能?本計畫除了提出一個整合產能配置規劃與可允諾量的模型外,也提出一套定期檢 視產能配置規劃的機制。初步研究結果顯示此機制可以增加產能利用率與企業獲利率, 且能更有彈性地管理及分配有限的資源。本計畫所發展之機制易於為業界所應用。
In today’s globalization competition, firms are moving to an order fulfillment system to allocate the available-to-promise (ATP) capacity efficiently. Good ATP procedures will enable a company to accurately estimate the order completion date and utilize the manufacturing capacity in an effective manner. In this research, we study an ATP model in foundry manufacturing. Foundry plants are managed based on make-to-order operations. Over billions worth of equipment are invested per year in this industry. In such a highly capital extensive industry, capacity utilization is one of the major factors for profitability. It becomes imperative to allocate the capacity effectively and efficiently to maximize profitability and capacity utilization. The ability to respond quickly and effectively to satisfy customers is also important in gaining the competitiveness for foundry manufacturing companies. Although the supply chain literature in foundry manufacturing has investigated the integration of allocation planning and ATP model and showed the optimal real-time order fulfillment policy, the issue of how to reallocate the unused capacity remains unanswered. In this research, we propose an integrated allocation planning and ATP model. In addition, we add a periodic allocation plan review mechanism to refine the model. Preliminary results show the improvement of capacity utilization and profitability. We believe that the proposed model can be immediately applied in practice.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2410-H009-004
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98188
Appears in Collections:Research Plans