Title: 運用開放原始碼實作商業智慧平臺之研究
A Study of Business Intelligence Platform with Open Source Solution
Authors: 郭峰昌
Kuo, Feng-Chang
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 開放原始碼;商業智慧;資料倉儲;Open Source;BI;Data Warehouse
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 商業智慧系統的導入可以幫助企業更有效且即時的掌握內部資訊,讓各部門的營運更具有協調性,並且提供完整的管理決策資訊,提升企業的競爭能力。但是商業智慧系統的成本高昂、客製化程度低,且以往關於商業智慧系統的研究,鮮少是選擇價格便宜、客製化程度高的開放原始碼解決方案。因此,本研究針對提供商業智慧服務的個案公司,探討其如何以開放原始碼研發商業智慧系統,解決企業客戶的問題。探討相關文獻與系統研發的技術,並且透過個案公司所提供的服務內容,瞭解商業智慧系統所應具備的功能,包括原始資料的轉入、處理,再利用線上即時分析處理技術分析資料,最後使用圖表、儀表板的圖形化方式,清楚的顯示資訊的含意與趨勢。 本研究期望可以透過個案公司研發開放原始碼商業智慧系統的過程,並且訪談參與研發的關係利害人,收集研發商業智慧系統的經驗、考量因素、期望效益及相關建議等資訊,並以多個系統構面加以分析與探討,評估選擇開放原始碼作為商業智慧的解決方案所帶來的效益,以提供其他企業做為參考。希望對其他研發商業智慧系統之軟體廠商及導入企業有所幫助。
The implement action of business intelligent platform helps the enterprise to control the internal information mort efficiently and real-time, and makes the collaboration of cross-departments more smoothly. It not only provides integrated management decision information, but also improves the overall competitive strength. However, business intelligent platform is very expansive and hard to be customized. The past studies about it rarely mentioned to implement business intelligent platform by cheaper and high-customized open source solution. Therefore, this research focuses on how the case company provides business intelligence service to corporate client by open source solution. The research studies related references and technologies, and understands the needed functions of business intelligent platform (including the transform and process of raw data, OLAP technology, and the display of information by graph and dashboard). The research collects the experience, factors, expected benefit, and suggestions through interviewing the stakeholders who joined the system development. Finally, we analysis benefits of implementing business intelligent platform with open source solution from multi-dimension. The research expected that the findings could provide for other software vendor references.
Appears in Collections:Thesis