标题: 台湾半导体设备产业发展之竞争优势与策略研究-以R公司为例
The Competitive Advantage and Strategy Study of Taiwan Semiconductor Equipment Industry Development - A Case Study of R Company
作者: 黄书琪
Huang, Shu-Chi
Hung, Chih-Young
关键字: 半导体设备产业;SWOT分析;五力分析;国家竞争优势;Semiconductor Equipment Industry;SWOT Analysis;Five Forces Model;The Competitive Advantage of Nations
公开日期: 2015
摘要: 台湾半导体产业发展迄今已将近四十年,虽然发展起步较欧美国家晚,但在政府有计划的推动以及产官学研各界的努力合作之下,让台湾有机会异军突起,在全球半导体产业中占有关键性的重要地位。从半导体供应链的产业结构来看,台湾半导体厂商独步全球“垂直分工”的合作模式,相较于国外半导体大厂“垂直整合”的生产方式,更具有弹性、效率和成本竞争优势,这也使得台湾半导体产业在各领域都有非常出色的表现。可惜的是,唯独在半导体设备领域不见长足的进步,尽管台湾半导体设备的市场需求相当庞大,但却长期处于设备过度仰赖国外设备厂商的劣势,这对台湾的半导体产业链发展将会是一大隐忧。
Taiwan's semiconductor industry to date has been nearly forty years. Although the development started late behind foreign, due to all sectors of industry, government and science research cooperation to make Taiwan has the opportunity to have sprung up everywhere. Therefore, Taiwan takes possession of crucial importance position in the global semiconductor industry. To analysis the semiconductor industry supply chain structure, Taiwan's semiconductor manufacturers unmatched global cooperation model "vertical division" is different from foreign semiconductor manufacturers "vertical integration" of production. It’s more flexible, efficient and cost-competitive. This also make Taiwan's semiconductor industry in various fields have a very good performance. Unfortunately, except not see great progress in the field of semiconductor equipment. Although the market demand is very large in the field of Taiwan’s semiconductor equipment, Taiwan has an over-reliance on foreign equipment manufacturers will be at a disadvantage. This will be a major worry in Taiwan's semiconductor industry chain development.
This study were analyzed and compared from Global and Taiwan’s semiconductor equipment development. By the case of the domestic semiconductor equipment manufacturers, to explore, analyze its operating development model and competitive advantage. Expect to collate and analyze the information and recommendations to help enhance Taiwan's semiconductor equipment industry. And provide subsequent practical application and reference to related industries. So that Taiwan's semiconductor industry chain can be more complete.