標題: 以科技接受模型探討知覺風險影響台北市消費者對NFC―行動支付之使用意圖研究
The Study of Applying the TAM Model with Perceived Risk on Consumer’s Behavioral Intention to Use NFC (Near Field Communication) Mobile Payment in Taipei City
作者: 詹舒萍
Chan, Shu-Ping
Chen, Guang-Hua
關鍵字: 行動支付;科技接受模型;理性行為理論;創新擴散理論;知覺風險;使用意圖;NFC;Mobile Payment;Technology Acceptance Model;Theory of Reasoned Action;Innovation Diffusion Theory;Perceived Risk;Behavioral Intentions;NFC
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 隨著資訊科技的進步及網路時代的來臨,傳統實體通路的商業模式逐漸朝向虛擬通路的電子商務形式,並且這種虛擬通路模式會一直持續延伸下去,朝向多元化發展。另外智慧型手機的普及更帶領人類從電子商務(E-commerce)逐漸轉換到行動商務(M-commerce),根據資策會MIC調查顯示,台灣持有行動裝置的消費者當中,有57.1%的行動裝置消費者在過去一年內都有曾經使用過手機購物的經驗,顯示行動購物商機相當龐大,這意味著實體付款機制將漸被虛擬交易系統給取代,意即行動支付將是未來的趨勢。 本研究主要探討台北市消費者對於行動支付的使用意圖,以科技接受模型為主要架構。加入理性行為理論 、創新擴散理論與知覺風險發展出本研究架構,著重探討「知覺風險」構面中的四個風險因素「隱私安全風險」、「時間風險」、「財務風險」與「績效風險」,期望提供相關單位做為未來執行行動支付(NFC)的參考依據。 本研究採網站問卷調查,總計回收467份,經初步整理後,刪除內容填寫不完整、沒有意願使用行動支付(NFC)的問卷總共78份,實際回收有效問卷總計有389份,回收率達83.29%,接著以SPSS統計軟體進行因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析。 本研究之研究結果顯示: (1) 「知覺有用性」、「知覺易用性」、「主觀規範」及「相容性」皆會對「使用意圖」產生正向的影響。 (2) 「知覺風險」與「使用意圖」有顯著關聯,其中以「隱私安全風險」為消費者採用NFC-行動支付系統時,最重視的風險因素。 (3) 台北市消費者的「人口統計變數」對 「使用意圖」有顯著相關。
The revolution of information technology with the business model of E-commerce has brought the age of virtual trading channel to reality, and will likely to be developing into a prosperously versatile diversity. The prevalence of smart mobile devices, moreover, triggered off an apparent transformation from E-commerce to M-commerce. While statistical research supplied by MIS reveals the fact that 57.1% of domestic consumers with mobile phones, in the past one year, has at least once involved in mobile payment behavior. Evident is the fact that the poll illustrated a irrefutably large potential of M-commerce. It is much likely that the off-line payment ecosystem, in some aspects, will gradually be replaced by on-line payment in the foreseeable future and the trend of mobile payment is inevitable. The study, through the Technology Acceptance Model, is mainly aimed to research the consumer’s behavioral intentions of mobile payment, and of “theory of reasoned action”, “Innovation Diffusion Theory” and “Perceived Risk”also constitute the frame work structure of the research. Four risk factors, “security and safety risk”,” time risk”, “financial risk” and “performance risk”, all among “perceived risk”, are respectively discussed and analyzed. With regard to E-payment policies and strategy plans,the study faithfully hopes the results may give reasonable suggestions to government and related organizations. A total of 467 questionnaires were collected through web-survey of which 78 respondents either incompletely answered or were of no intension for M-payment (NFC), valid samples are 389 and reached the effective response rate of 83.29%. The sorted responses were statistically analyzed, by software SPSS, through factor analysis, independent sample t-tast, ANOVA and regression analysis. The concluded of the study are summarized as follow: (1) “Perceived Usefulness”, “Perceived Ease of use”, “Subjective norm” and “ Compatibility” will all place a positive impact on “Behavioral Intentions” (2) Among “Perceived Risk”, which is significantly related to “Behavioral Intentions”, “Security and Safety risk” forms the most dominant risk factor when considering the adoption of NFC- mobile payment system. (3) “Behavioral Intentions” has sharp relation with various “Demographic Variances”for concerns in Taipei City.
Appears in Collections:Thesis