標題: 東亞低成本航空之航網發展
Development of Low-Cost Carriers' Network in East Asia
作者: 陳哲鴻
Chen, Zhe-Hong
Wong, Jinn-Tsai
關鍵字: 低成本航空;東亞;航網發展;low cost carriers;East Asia;Network develpoment
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 歐美自1970年代解除航空管制後,低成本航空以低票價、大量點對點航線及單一艙等、高乘載率等經營模式,徹底改變歐美航空市場。惟亞洲航空運輸需求,直到亞洲四小龍發展及近期中國大陸經濟起飛後才快速成長。歷年發展之下,低成本航空已在亞洲逐漸茁壯,此外亞洲航空市場環境與歐美地區明顯不同,低成本航空在亞洲如何發展,值得深入研究。本研究針對東亞地區近10年成立之44家低成本航空,以歷史航班資料歸納各國及各公司航網之發展並進行集群分析。研究發現,東亞現存低成本航空公司可分為4個集群,基本型、國際-距離縮減型、國際-距離增長型及衰退型,而歷年來東亞各低成本航空國內航線距離採由遠而近發展並以連結小型機場為主,國際航線距離則為由近而遠且以連結中大型機場為主。
Since deregulation of the North America's and Western Europe's airline industry in 1970's, low cost carriers (LCC) use its low-fare, massive point and point service, single class and high density seat which totally change the Western aviation market. However, the need of Asia's aviation market was boosted lately since the rise of four Asian Tigers and the growth of China's economy. After those years development, low cost carriers were adapted and grew in Asia, but the political and geography circumstances are totally different from Western market. This study attempts to focus on 44 low cost carriers in East Asia which established in 10 year. We using 10 years historical flight information database to generalize each countries' and companies' network development then cluster to four groups which include fundamental, international with decreasing distance, international with increasing distance and diminished. Overall East Asia LCC's domestic flights gradually dwindle distance and connect to small airport. But the international flights gradually rise distance and priority connect to medium and large airport.
Appears in Collections:Thesis