標題: 國內半導體設備商經營策略與競爭優勢-以G公司為例
Business Strategies and Competitive Advantages of Domestic Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturers-A Case Study of Company G
作者: 吳欣賢
關鍵字: 競爭策略;半導體設備製造;半導體封測;Business Strategy;Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturing;Semiconductor Package and Testing
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 2014半導體設備產業(包含晶圓、封裝、測試等)的產值可達到391億美元的規模,相當於1.17兆台幣。81%(0.95兆台幣)產值屬於晶圓生產設備, 19%(0.22兆台幣)產值屬於封裝測試生產設備。而台灣市場規模在2014年即佔其中的117億美元,連續5年蟬聯全球第一。台灣市場規模成長主因在於台積電創紀錄的資本支出金額與全球封裝大廠的委外訂單增加,使得台灣成為全球最大的半導體設備市場。台灣的半導體設備支出佔全球設備支出的30%強,所以半導體設備本土化、以及如何提升半導體廠關鍵製程設備自給率是台灣半導體產業重要的發展趨勢。 本研究以個案公司G科技公司為例,探討國內半導體設備商如何於外商寡占的市場之中突破並建立相對優勢來取得市佔率及獲利的成長,分析台灣半導體設備自行研發且有品牌之廠商如何於外商居多的半導體設備市場競爭中,應用Michael Porter之理論,尋求及建立相對優勢,以達到高市佔率及獲利率之目標。面對未來半導體競爭環境的劇烈變化,個案公司若要持續保有相對之競爭優勢,建議個案公司必須加強發展客戶與RD的關係,與第一級的半導體製造商一起成長,成為其主要的設備供應商,並強化自身品牌及客戶忠誠度,以期在市場中持續站穩一席之地。
In 2014, the output of Semiconductor Equipment Industry was estimated to have reached the scale of US$39.1 billion, the equivalent of NT$1.17 trillion. 81 per cent (or NT$0.95 trillion) of the output value was attributed to wafer production equipment, and 19 per cent (or NT$0.22 trillion) of the output value was attributed to packaging and testing of production equipment. In 2014, the market size of Taiwan accounted for US$11.7 billion of the global market, ranking first place in the world for five consecutive years. Primary reasons for the market growth of Taiwan were due to the record breaking capital expenditure growth of TSMC, as well as the receipt of record high subcontracted orders from global package manufacturers, enabling Taiwan to become the largest semiconductor equipment market in the world. Semiconductor equipment output in Taiwan represents the better part of 30 per cent of global equipment output. As such, the localization of semiconductor equipment and increase the self-sufficiency rate of the key process equipment within the semiconductor plants are important issues for the industry. TSMC has set up a one-stop production chain (including Silicon intellectual property services, Wafer OEM, and IC backend packaging), as well as expanded their high-end semiconductor packaging and testing technologies. This has created a great business opportunity for Taiwan domestic equipment manufacturers. This research will utilize the case study of the G Company to explore how the domestic semiconductor equipment makers can break up the market oligopoly of foreign suppliers to create comparative advantages to gain market share and profit growth. This research will also analyze the R&D strategy of branded semiconductor equipment manufacturers in Taiwan, and how they compete in the semiconductor market dominated by foreign competitors. Applying the framework proposed by Michael Porter, this research will ultimately seek business strategies to establish comparative advantages in order to achieve an increase in market share and the targeted profitability. Over the past five years, Taiwan domestic semiconductor equipment manufacturers have performed well in the semiconductor equipment arena. By focusing on adopting unique business strategies, and coupled with the flourishing semiconductor orders in Taiwan, they have gained them success in the specific semiconductor equipment arenas. This study explored the case company G, its market positioning, and how it could leverage its competitive advantage to gain a favorable position amongst foreign competitors (i.e. overseas semiconductor equipment suppliers) to establish its competitive threshold. Taiwan domestic equipment manufacturers are strongly recommended to strengthen a co-development relationship between their clients and RD teams. Growing together with the semiconductor manufacturers during their first stage of development, and becoming their main equipment suppliers would be an essential focus of business strategies for domestic equipment makers in order to differentiate themselves in the semiconductor market.
Appears in Collections:Thesis