Title: 具有撓性驅動機構的機器人夾爪設計與應用
Design and application of robot gripper with force-changing spring mechanism
Authors: 吳惠君
Wu, Hui-Chun
Cheng, Pi-Ying
Keywords: 夾爪機構;撓性驅動機構;肘節機構;節能;Jaw mechanism;Force-changing mechanism;Toggle mechanism;Energy-saving
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 近年來隨著科技發展的進步,機械人的應用也越來越廣,許多人類難以達成的事情可藉由機器人協助解決,例如:清掃、維修、救難等繁瑣或粗重的工作。本研究內容主要著重於機器人夾爪的改良與模擬分析,夾爪的機構系統的研究重點為採用最少所需馬達數,減輕夾爪機構整體重量,以達到機構的新穎性與實用性;對於夾持竿柱用的夾爪機構進行實用與省能的評估與設計改良。本研究探討肘節機構與撓性驅動機構應用於夾爪機構系統的各項參數特性;利用多連桿運動組合增加握持曲度與接觸面的變化,使之可握緊各種粗細大小不同的竿柱。利用肘節機構理論設計提高手爪握持時的機械利益,達到省能的目的。在外殼設計上增加檔版設計且限制角度的轉動及調節彈簧剛性,增加握持的穩定度。本研究藉由摩擦力與夾爪握持力的計算分析,調整與優化夾爪的機構參數來達到夾持竿柱的最佳夾爪效能。本研究將分析模擬模型,設定八種不同的參數,分別探討不同參數對接觸力與握持穩定度的影響,做為本研究設計成果的驗證與改良的參考。
In recent years, robot system have been applied more widely for assisting human beings to do the formidable or boring work, such as cleaning, maintenance, rescue etc.. This study focuses on the improvement and evaluation of the optimum parameters of robot gripper jaw with force-changing spring mechanism for climbing on the pole column in less energy. The innovative idea of the proposed claw mechanism composes the toggle mechanism and force-changing spring mechanism. It is expected that each finger can be winding to hold the column in various diameter adaptively with one actuator and multi-link design. The design of toggle mechanism is another key point of the claw mechanism for increasing the mechanical advantage while grasping the object. Since that the stability of the grasping status depends on several parameters of the claw mechanism, such as spring constant, angle of under actuation, friction coefficient, contact points etc. Some case studies related to the aforementioned typical parameters are proposed to be simulated for evaluation. The critical limit of the grasping force and actuating angle are also investigated for preventing the falling happened. The study and improvement of the proposed claw design with innovative mechanism is verified and demonstrated as an effective claw mechanism for practical use.
Appears in Collections:Thesis