Title: | 北台灣銀髮住宅開發策略 Development Strategy of Senior Housing in Northern Taiwan |
Authors: | 黃銘坤 Huang, Ming-Kuen 鍾惠民 Chung, Huei-Min 管理學院高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 銀髮族住宅;產業關鍵成功因素;經營模式;Senior Housing;Critical success factor;Business model |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 近十年台灣人口結構的轉變趨勢為以下:出生率下降、0-14歲幼年人口占比下降、扶幼比下降、扶老比緩升、65歲以上人口占比快速上升,以及人口老化指數快速上升。加上醫療資源與品質的進步,疾病型態亦由急性病轉為以慢性病為主,導致需要照護的老年人口日益成長。除了高齡化的人口結構之外,社會型態的變遷如家庭規模的縮小、子女與父母同住比率逐漸降低以及老人獨居或僅與配偶同住比率也逐漸提高,老年人口的照顧將成為更加重要的議題,加上社會對於老人照顧觀念的改變,使得台灣相關機構式照顧之興起。 本研究以銀髮族住宅為研究核心,開發銀髮族住宅為研究主題,主要探討的三大議題為「銀髮族住宅經營模式之擬定」、「銀髮族住宅空間設計」以及「影響銀髮族住宅入住意願之因素」,銀髮族住宅經營模式的部分主要是藉由探討目前台灣北部銀髮族住宅之營運模式,並藉由個案分析來檢視個案公司對於產業關鍵成功因素的投入程度是否符合消費者的需求來進行經營模式之擬定;至於銀髮族住宅空間設計的部分則是藉由內政部營建署對於老人住宅基本設施及設備規劃設計規範來做考量;而影響銀髮族住宅入住意願之因素探討的部分則是藉由過去相關文獻以及業者之看法來進行歸納。 據此本研究撰寫者提出銀髮族住宅經營模式之擬定與實際運作的方向如下:在經營理念的部分則是期望將飯店式管理套用在銀髮族住宅的經營,提供優質環境與服務讓長者感受到尊嚴的銀髮族住宅;經營型態則是以「現有資產換取居住權」為標準,並以「鼓勵住民積極參與銀髮社區內之事務」來節省住民之開銷以及活化公共活動,讓住民在其退休後還可以一展所長;至於在食衣住行服務項目的部分則是以物聯網的概念融入其中,所有住民在健康管理上透過物聯網與醫院做健康管理。 There are some changing trends in Taiwan's population structure in recent years such as the declining birth rate, declining percentage of people who are under 14 years old of total population, a decline of dependency ratio, slight rise of old age population dependency ratio, rapid rise of percentage of people who are over 65 years old of total population as well as aging index. In addition, there are large improvements for medical resources and quality, and patterns of disease transform from acute disease to chronic disease. Therefore, there is the growing elderly population in need of care. In addition to the aging of the population structure, social patterns such as family size, the ratio of children who live with their parents and the elderly who live alone or living with spouse also change. Issues of taking care of the elderly population will become even more important. And the attitudes toward social care for the elderly also changes, that will lead to the growing trends of institutional care in Taiwan. In this study, we focus on the topic of development of senior housing. There are three main issues such as "business models of senior housing.", "interior design of senior housing" and "key factors that affect residential preferences for senior housing ". First, this study will analyze the business models of the senior housing in northern Taiwan which operate successfully and use case study to analyze the success factors in the industry of senior housing. And this study will also examine whether these critical success factors meet consumers’ demand . Secondly, speaking of interior design of senior housing, this study will take account of the laws and regulations of elderly housing infrastructure and equipment which were enacted by Construction and Planning Agency Ministry. Last but not least, this study will use the relevant literature review about the key factors that affect the residential preference for senior housing to get the summary of opinions. According to this study, author develops the directions of senior housing business model as follows: the business philosophy is to apply the hotel management in the senior housing industry which provides a high quality environment and services to enable the elderly to feel respected. In addition, the business pattern is based on "using the owned assets in exchange for the residency" as the standard, and "encouraging residents to actively participate in community affairs to save money as well as the activation of resident public events. After the residents retire, they can also bring what they have learnt into full play. Speaking of services provided by senior housing, they are based on the concept of Internet of things. All residents could do the health management with hospitals through this Internet. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/127165 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |