標題: 回家創業:四位客庄女兒經營家族傳統事業之創新經營歷程
The Innovative Spirit of 4 Female Entrepreneurs from Hakka Village to Manage Taditional and Family-Owned Business
作者: 黃翊甄
YI-Chen Huang
Lin, Chong-Wey
關鍵字: 客家女性;創新創業;Timmons模型;地方傳統產業;家族事業;Hakka Women;Innovation and Entrepreneurship;Timmons’ Model;Local Traditional Industry;Family Business
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 地方傳統產業永續經營在於下一代接手意願。本研究探討客庄女兒回家參與家族傳統事業的創新經營歷程,目的在透過四位研究個案,瞭解她們在事業經營上,展現哪些客家女性特質與創新能力?如何從市場和顧客需求、家族事業本身發現創新的機會,如何因應困難或風險?團隊成員背景經驗,在創新機會應用上,發揮哪些溝通和創意,並在有限資源下,運用哪些內外部資源,做了哪些不一樣改變?再以Geoffrey在市場成熟期的四種創新類型,瞭解她們在創新經營過程中,發展哪些創新的產品或服務,成為地方上的特色事業。 本研究歸納以下結論:(一)機會來自滿足顧客的需要,幫顧客解決所要解決的問題。(二)團隊成員用現代角度,重新詮釋自己的核心優勢與應用。(三)以自身優勢結合在地資源、與在地業者結盟共創;善用政府資源、也要保有自己的特色。(四)經營者要有一個事業的願景和核心價值,才能建構出事業的藍圖。(五)以市場和顧客需求,重新創造資源的產出,賦予新的意涵與商業價值。(六)從「行銷創新」和「體驗創新」,讓消費者接觸到產品或服務及所要傳遞的價值。
Sustaining operation of the local traditional industry consists in whether the next generation is willing to take over or not. This study is to explore the courses of business innovation and operation by four Hakka’s daughters who return home and participate in their family traditional business. The thesis aims to comprehend what kind of the characteristics and the creating capabilities appear on Hakka’s women who join in running their family business? How to discover the creative business opportunity according to the demand of market and customer, as well as the family business, and how to respond to difficulties and risks? What kind of communication and creativity can team members’ background and experience help to develop market chance? And what kind of variations can these interior and exterior resources be used under limited resources? Applying Geoffrey’s four creating types in the market-maturity stage, the thesis focuses on the product or service that has been developed. The thesis concludes: 1). Opportunity is coming from customers’ requirements, namely, helping them to solve problems. 2). Team members use the modern viewpoint to re-interpret their core advantages and applications. 3). Combine our merits with local resources to form an alliance with local trades; properly use governmental resources and reserve our own characters. 4). Proprietor has to have a business vision and core value prior to establish the business blueprint. 5). According to the demand of market and customer, recreate the resource projection, and endow it with new connotation and commercial value. 6). Let consumers to accept the value of product or service through creative marketing and experience economy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis