標題: 探索提升參與者對社會創新解決方案分享意圖與接受度之遊戲化設計因素
Design Factors for Gamification to Enhance Sharing and Acceptance of Social Innovation.
作者: 王君汝
Wang, Chun-Ju
關鍵字: 社會創新 體驗行銷 遊戲化 設計特徵;social innovation experiential marketing gamification design features
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 社會創新乃是透過社群成員以協同合作的方式了解未確認過的社會需求,並藉集體智慧產生創意來滿足社會需求,在社會創新擴散與傳播發展中,需將解決方案推廣以滿足更多人的需求或解決社會問題,然而目前在進行社會創新推廣過程中,由於缺乏有效機制凝聚參與者,且未考量到人們面對不同解決方案的接受度,導致參與度不佳而阻礙社會創新發展,因此在擴散與傳播發展中透過探討促進參與者對方案的接受度與分享意願的機制,有利於社會創新的發展。過去有學者提出體驗行銷的概念,體驗行銷強調以使用者為中心的體驗,重視與使用者的互動和參與,透過體驗感受某些刺激而誘發其動機,創造令人滿意與難忘的體驗,進而產生使用者認同,增強產品價值;而遊戲化是體驗行銷的一種方法,遊戲化是指將遊戲設計元素應用於非遊戲情境中,它是一種新的參與模式能夠促進使用者參與並持續貢獻的方法,對於社會創新的發展也有許多益處。然而,如何將遊戲化應用於社會創新的擴散與傳播歷程中,如何設計遊戲化體驗以促進社會創新解決方案的分享意願與接受度是目前存在的重要問題。因此,本研究目的是透過體驗行銷與遊戲化結合,探討當遊戲化應用於行銷策略中重要的關鍵設計因素。 本研究透過體驗行銷的體驗策略解構出12項遊戲化設計特徵,採用實驗方式及問卷調查法蒐集資料,實驗工具是以養老院為主題的遊戲,其中有2種為本研究自行開發的遊戲,另1種是透過網路搜集的遊戲,本研究共招募105位45歲以上的受試者,並透過多元迴歸分析與路徑分析建立系統性完整架構,實驗結果顯示:遊戲化系統對分享意圖有顯著影響,其中遊戲化特徵包括感官體驗的「遊戲場景真實性」、情感體驗的「挑戰感」、思考體驗的「提供解決方案知識」與行動體驗的「角色扮演」可提升分享意圖與方案接受度,本研究也發現其之間的因果關係,角色扮演會透過沉浸感為中介影響分享意圖。 本研究貢獻在於證實遊戲化系統可作為社會創新解決方案的行銷工具,並歸納出影響社會創新擴散與傳播歷程中重要的遊戲化設計特徵,提供未來探討社會議題解決方案的行銷策略時,可將本研究證實的遊戲化設計特徵納入考量,幫助設計師採用合適的策略發展社會創新平台,使社會創新永續發展。
Social innovation is a collaborative process to create value accrues primarily to whole society rather than private individuals. Social innovation cannot be successful because there is not have an effective mechanism to agglomerate participants and participants do not understand the solution or idea in the development of scaling up and diffusion in social innovation. This paper is focus on investigates sharing and acceptance of social innovation. Experiential marketing is a concept that moves beyond the traditional features-and-benefits marketing. By appealing to participants on multiple levels, experiential marketing gives participants in-depth experiences with products or idea in order to give them enough information to make the decision. With the explosive adoption of new technologies driven by disrupting factors as social networking a new system of engagement was created, leveraging gamification concepts. Gamification is one of the method in experiential marketing. Applying game mechanics and design elements to non-gaming contexts brings a new model of engagement that increases the point of interaction stickiness and quality of engagement. This paper investigates the important design factors of gamification in marketing. In this paper, the concept of development of gamification design features is based on experiential marketing and using questionnaire to collect data. We used multiple regression analysis to find the relationship between design feature, sharing and acceptance and used path analysis to know the causal relationship between design feature, mediator variable, sharing and acceptance in social innovation. The results showed that the authentic game scene, challenge, role play and the knowledge of social innovation solution can enhance sharing and acceptance of social innovation. The results not only can used to help participants of social innovation focus on the most important gamification feature and propose specific guidelines for designing social games, but also can identify the design strategy to enhance sharing and acceptance of social innovation platform in the future.