標題: 老闆、同事、下屬別再已讀我!回覆延遲對組織溝通與工作滿足影響之研究
Coworkers, please don't ignore my messages. The effect of response latency on communication satisfaction and job satisfaction.
作者: 黃瓊德
Chiung-Te Huang
關鍵字: 非語言線索;違反預期理論;線上回覆延遲;即時通訊App;組織傳播;溝通滿足;工作滿足;nonverbal cues;expectancy violation theory;response latency;App;organizational communication;communication satisfaction;job satisfaction
公開日期: 七月-2016
出版社: 國立交通大學傳播與科技學系和台灣資訊社會研究學會
National Chiao Tung University. Taiwan Academy for Information Society.
摘要: 智慧型手機即時通訊App改變人類溝通方式,即時通訊App的使用功能大多相似,皆具備「已讀」新功能,也由於此功能產生「已讀不回」的新溝通現象,然而「已讀不回」容易因為人類思維、情感複雜性產生認知差距,造成誤會解讀。「已讀不回」為近幾年才出現的新溝通現象。本研究透過文獻探討定義「已讀不回」為電腦中介傳播研究中的回覆延遲,運用非語言行為的違反預期理論,解釋「已讀不回」行為作為自變項,探討在組織溝通中與溝通滿足和工作滿足之間的關係。研究結果分為「主管幹部層級」與「基層員工層級」作探討。研究結果發現當訊息傳遞者在組織中職位為主管幹部層級,「已讀不回」確實會影響溝通滿足與工作滿足,而溝通滿足具有中介效果;「違反預期期望」確實會調節已讀不回頻率與溝通滿足。
Smartphone App has changed human beings' communication. Most of the instant message Apps have similar new features - "messages seen". This function generates a new term of communication phenomenon, which is known as "Ignoring read messages". However, human beings' emotion and cognition are complex, "Ignoring read messages" may cause misunderstanding interpretation. Through a literature review of recent study of computer-mediated communication, I decided to define "Ignoring read messages" as "Response latency" in computer-mediated communication. Expectancy violation theory to be research structure, "Ignoring read messages" as the independent variable, I analyzed the effect between communication satisfaction and job satisfaction in organizational communication. The research divided the "management hierarchy" and "grass-roots employee". The result shows that "Ignoring read messages" will effect communication satisfaction and job satisfaction. Moreover, communication satisfaction plays mediation role between IV and job satisfaction when message sender is grass-roots employee, and "individuals' Expectancy violation difference" moderates the effect between "Ignoring read messages" communication satisfaction.
URI: http://ccis.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=41&CA_ID=379
ISSN: 1680-8428
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Issue: 31
起始頁: 37
結束頁: 70


  1. 1680-8428-160702.pdf

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