标题: 砂拉越古晋石角区甲港客语音韵及词汇调查与比较研究
Phonological and Lexical Investigation and Comparative Studies on Hakka in Sungai Tapang
作者: 吴中杰
Al Chung-chieh Wu and Su-chiew Tan
关键字: 砂拉越;甲港;客语;河婆话;音韵;词汇;Sarawak;Hakka;Sungai Tapang;Hopo Accent;Phonology;Lexicon
公开日期: 五月-2016
出版社: 国立交通大学客家文化学院
College of Hakka Studies
摘要: 砂拉越古晋地区的客家话在局部占有优势,尤其石角区、石隆门与西连一带。本文主要是调查砂拉越古晋石角区甲港的客家话,并比较与其他客语的异同之处。音韵上,本文拟讨论以下几个议题:1.甲港客语的v-转读为b-声母;2.晓匣母“䘆狭脇”梅县客语读h-的,甲港客语为kˇ-;3.蟹开二四等“鞋矮弟泥鸡”河婆念-e而大埔为-ai的系统对应;4.浊去归阴上的声调规律,而少数次浊去字则归阴去。本文探讨甲港借入之马来语、英语、潮州话、粤语来源词,并和其他相似度高的印尼加里曼丹山口洋硬话与屏东林仔内河婆话进行比较分析。马来西亚境内的甲港语言因该国之社会文化而有特色,加上部分词汇的创新发展,使得其他国家的客家人必须了解其背景,方能掌握其意义及用法。
Chinese community in Kuching Sarawak is largely composed of Fujian
and Hakka. The common languages in urban area are Hokkien or Teochew. While a signifiant number of people speaking Hakka in Kuching area
especially in the rural
such as Batu Kawa district
Bau and Serian. The major ancestral homelands of Hakka in Kuching are Tai Poo
and many other places in Guangdong. Hopo
a dialect of Hakka
spoken in Batu Kawa is always mingled with different tribes and different Chinese dialects due to geographical factors. After a long period of time
its lexicon is highly inflenced by ethnic integration and borrowing words from foreign vocabulary. This essay aims to analyze interesting phonological and lexical aspects in Sungai Tapang
being influenced by Malay
and Cantonese. Meanwhile
we analyze Hakka spoken in other countries for comparative studies
for example
those in Singkawang
Indonesia and Linzinei
Taiwan. We find that Hakka dialects used in these two places are pretty similar to Hakka in Sungai Tapang. No one speaks Cantonese in Sungai Tapang
but surprisingly
our analysis reveals that the daily-life vocabulary of Hakka also borrows some words from Cantonese. In this way
it can be assumed that the linguistic changes are affected by immigration and daily language contacts. Furthermore
the Cantonese drama was popular from 1970s to 1990s. Cantonese words were lent to Hakka unconsciously and started to have pervasive usages. If the mother language cannot be learned completely
its tone and phonotactics can be interfered and new vocabulary is generated as a result. The ‘Hakka’ language in Malaysia is unique
and its innovative situation is worth further exploring and better understanding.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=43&CA_ID=456
ISSN: 2310-8436
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 6
起始页: 121
结束页: 177
显示于类别:Global Hakka Studies


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