標題: 派遣員工對要派機構組織承諾、組織認同與留任意願之關係研究-以新竹科學園區為例
Relationship study about employee's commitment,acknowledgementand position retain to assigned firm or organizations - Taking an example of Hsinchu Science Park.
作者: 張濟宇
Zhang, Ji-Yu
Lee, Long-Eao
Tsai Jia-Lun
關鍵字: 派遣人力;組織承諾;組織認同;留任意願;Contractor;Organization commitment;Organization identity;Intention of stay
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本論文從企業僱用派遣員工的角度進行研究,為了能更清楚釐清派遣員工於企業服務的留任意願,針對此研究所設目的,蒐集相關文獻並用自編問卷調查,以派遣員工為研究對象進行量化統計分析,透過企業所給予的組織承諾、組織認同,是否會影響派遣員工對企業增加忠誠提高留任意願。此次研究對象為新竹科學園區之派遣員工,總共發放700份問卷,有效問卷為640分,透過衡量信度分析工具顯示前測信效度良好,經由研究所得到結果主要發現為以下幾點: 一、不同個人特徵之派遣員工對組織承諾有顯著正相關。 二、不同個人特徵之派遣員工對組織認同有顯著正相關。 三、不同個人特徵之派遣員工對留任意願有顯著正相關。 四、組織承諾、組織認同會顯著的正向影響留任意願。 綜合研究結果顯示派遣員工個人特徵方面,以男性未婚高中學歷派遣工作年資介於一年以下及一年至五年,月收入介於兩萬以下至兩萬五千元,對於企業留任意願有最高的顯著性。
For most enterprise, contractors are pathetic due to they are easy to be replaced and changed as a disposable tool. It makes people feel curious that what do contractors feel when they are working. Is work of contractor a temporary plan or anything else? Or it has become a new phenomenon that enterprise keep using contractors to replace their lower level labors to cost down and increase their flexibility. This thesis is trying to understand many factors from contractors to increase their performance, such as personality of contractors, organization commitment, and organization identity, whether the above three factors will affect performance of contractors and intention of stay. This data of research is from many contractors of contactor companies, from the result, it shows that there are correlations between contractors, organization commitment,organization identity, and intention of stay. Contractors will decide stay or leave and whether increase their performance by the previous four factors. This research also find some other contractors’ factors such as gender, age, working experience, education, revenue, and marriage effect contractors decision to face organization commitment. Organization identity. The result is significant. Hence, enterprise could understand the perspective of contractors and help this issue be more comprehensive.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352806