標題: 3D列印策略在骨科產業之研究
A 3D Printing Strategy for the Artificial Orthopedics
作者: 李國楨
Lee, Kuo-Chen
Shyu,Joseph Z
關鍵字: 3D列印策略在骨科產業;手術與治療用3D列印策略在骨科產業;產業組合分析;創新政策;產業創新需求要素;A 3D Printing Strategy for the Artificial Orthopedics;A 3D Printing Strategy for the Artificial Orthopedics;Industry Portfolio Analysis;Innovation Policy;Industrial Innovation Demands Factors
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 摘要 本研究之主要架構以產業組合分析為基礎,建構3D列印策略在骨科產業之手術與治療用3D列印策略在骨科產業之競爭策略,以市場成長曲線與3D列印策略在骨科產業價值鏈為區隔變數。透過此一分析區隔出3D列印策略在骨科產業之手術與治療用3D列印策略在骨科產業之定位,並利用產業創新需求要素分析模式及產業專家之意見調查,分析歸納出發展通3D列印策略在骨科產業之手術與治療用3D列印策略在骨科產業的關鍵成功要素,提出3D列印策略在骨科產業之手術與治療用3D列印策略在骨科產業未來發展的可能經營策略。 分析後結果得出,3D列印策略在骨科產業之手術與治療用3D列印策略在骨科產業目前介於在市場成長曲線的「萌芽期」階段,以及產業價值鏈中的「研發」與「生產製造」之間;未來冀望針對市場應用端持續投入,使3D列印策略在骨科產業之手術與治療用3D列印策略在骨科產業順利進展到市場應用的成長期及成熟期,並利用生產製造及研發的成果向市場應用的部分邁進。 為輔助3D列印策略在骨科產業之手術與治療用3D列印策略在骨科產業成長,本研究根據產業創新需求要素與政策類型的分析結果得到,政府未來需要優先提供與加強的要素有:「國家整體對創新的支持」、「產業鏈的垂直整合」、「國家對產品標準化的制定」、「政府優惠制度」、「研發團隊的整合能力」、「需長期融資體系及投資減免」。
ABSTRACT The main structure of this study to analyze the property portfolio is based on construction of 3D printing strategy in orthopedic surgery and treatment of industrial use 3D printing strategy competitive strategy orthopedics industry, the market growth curve and 3D printing strategy in orthopedics industry value chain the variable segment. Through an analysis of this segment of the 3D printing 3D printing strategy positioning strategy in the orthopedics industry, and take advantage of the views of industry innovation and industrial demand element analysis model of the expert investigation, analysis of orthopedic surgery and treatment of industrial development summed up through 3D Print policy orthopedic surgery and treatment of industrial policy with 3D printing key success factors in the orthopedics industry, proposed 3D printing strategy in orthopedic surgery and treatment of industrial policy with the 3D printing industry in the future development of orthopedic possible business strategy. After analyzing the results obtained, 3D printing strategy in orthopedic surgery and treatment of industrial policy in orthopedics with 3D printing industry is between "development" and "stage" infancy "market growth curve, and the industry value chain between manufacturing "; hoping for the future end market applications continue to invest to make 3D printing strategy and growing maturity of the industry, orthopedic surgery and treatment strategies using 3D printing industry to the smooth progress of orthopedics market applications in, and use of production results of research and development and manufacturing to move part of the market applications. 3D printing strategy for the auxiliary industry of orthopedic surgery and treatment with 3D printing strategy in orthopedics industry growth in this study based on the analysis of industrial innovation and demand factors and the type of policy to give the government give priority to future needs and to strengthen elements are: " the country's overall support for innovation "," industrial chain vertical integration "," national standardization of product development, "" government preferential system ", the ability to integrate" research and development team, "" need long-term investment and financing system of relief. "
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363515
Appears in Collections:Thesis