標題: 互動式材料力學網路學習教材
Interactive E-Learning Modules for Mechanics of Materials
作者: 陳妍妏
Chen, Yen-Wen
關鍵字: 互動式;網路學習教材;材料力學;Interactive;E-learning Modules;Mechanics of Materials
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 在土木工程領域中,有許多艱深及複雜的工程實際施作,必須探討構件強度和剛度等性質,因此與材料力學密切連結著。但這些應力和應變都是抽象的,為輔助學習者思考,透過製作網路學習教材來幫助學生解決視覺化問題,並加入最重要的互動特性,提供一個生動的模擬或演練,來了解主題中的概念與公式。 本研究開發一套材料力學的互動式網路輔助教材,透過系統化教學設計(ADDIE)的流程,規畫出六大主題模組,以EjsS程式軟體工具來撰寫程式內容,並使用JavaScript、HTML5、CSS建構出網頁介面、互動指令、連動變化的關係,呈現出一個以動態模擬的互動式教材,並輔以豐富圖示及簡潔扼要的文字敘述。使用者可以透過自行輸入的參數,由系統自動繪出圖形,經由觸及畫面元件來執行拖曳功能,並操控畫面中的物體桿件,或能產生點擊或滑動等動作,最後再透過網頁中所設計的電腦隨機出題來自我測驗並檢視學習成果。
In the field of civil engineering, there are many abstruse and complex facilities for engineering practice. The need to discuss the strength and stiffness of material properties makes it closely linked with the mechanics of materials. Since the concept of stress and strain is abstract, the subject of this research is to produce E-learning modules which can help learners solve problems of visualization in order to assist them in thinking. These modules also add the most important interactive features to provide a vivid simulation or practice for understanding the topic concepts and formulas. This research developed interactive E-learning modules for mechanics of materials, and also set six principal themes for them through applying ADDIE Model process. By using EjsS program software tools to write the source code, and JavaScript, HTML5, CSS to construct a web interface, interactive instruction, interlocking relationship changes, it demonstrates a dynamic simulation of interactive E-learning modules supporting by a wealth of illustration and terse narrative. Users can freely input parameters, which will lead to the graphics automatically drawn by the system. By triggering the elements on the screen, they’ll be able to perform the function for dragging and dropping, or manipulate objects lever, generate other actions like clicking and sliding. Finally, we can receive learning results from the test page of random topic designed by computer program.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070351286