標題: 絲成型在建築上的應用
Rapid Filament Prototyping and Its Applications in Architecture
作者: 施孟宏
Shih, Mung-Hung
Hsu, Pei-Hsien
關鍵字: 3D列印;熱塑性材料;絲;快速成型模型;構築;噴灑;3D Print;Thermoplastic Crystal;Filament;Rapid Prototyping;Tectonic;Spray fabrication
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 目前的快速成型方式大多以三軸的移動(XYZ)方式來成型,本研究試圖提供設計者另一種的成型方式。而成型的原理將以旋轉來產生離心力的方式,產出類似編織的絲狀效果,是目前3D列印無法達到的效果。而本論文討論絲狀成型的過程,包含其原因、條件、材料的選擇與絲狀單元組構成不同形狀的可能性及最佳化。並透過實際的實驗與組裝,使用熱塑性材料如(ABS、PLA、TPU、PP.熱塑性水晶、保麗龍膠材料等)。並在絲噴灑的範圍內,再另外設計特定形狀的模具,或預埋骨架及其他材料等,使噴灑的絲狀能夠依照模具的形狀,產出該模具的形狀樣式,或讓噴灑的絲,覆蓋預放在模具中的材料,來形成複合式的材料結構單元。並利用製造出來的單元形狀進行實際拼裝,以驗證這樣的成型方式,可以提供使用製作大型尺度的結構體。
Tri-axis prototyping is so far the most prevalent technique in rapid prototyping. A research project was conducted with an aim to provide designers a faster alternative for prototyping. The proposed technique utilizes centrifugal force to create a semi-weaving effect which cannot be achieved by the conventional 3D printing technology. Based on practical experiments of thermoplastic material (ABS,PLA,TPU, PP, thermoplastic crystal, polyfoam glue of materials), this paper discusses prototyping in terms of the making process , use of materials and other factors associated with the control of filament weaving effect. Furthermore, designing and embedding molds or frames within the range of filament spray allows composite structure units to form into designed shapes. With this technique, a more efficient way in large-scale rapid prototyping is proposed and tested.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359509